Taken from the FRC Blog, 2/15/13: http://www.usfirst.org/roboticsprograms/frc/blog-information-about-the-new-media-and-technology-innovation-award
Information about the new Media and Technology Innovation Award sponsored by Comcast
**Blog Date: **Friday, February 15, 2013 - 14:57
Teams, I am very sorry for getting this information out so late to you. I recognize how much you have going on, and how important it is that you have information early so you can plan your seasons. The good news is, I am now ready to give you all the details on this award. As you can see from the headline on this blog, the Digital Media Award has gone through a name change. It is now the Media and Technology Innovation Award sponsored by Comcast. We’re very happy to have Comcast sponsoring this award!
While the name of this award has changed, the criteria has not. You can find this information in the FRC Administrative Manual, Section 6.8. We will be updating this section soon with the new name of the award and submission information.
As a reminder, the winner of this award will be announced at the FIRST Championship this season. This award will not be available for Regionals, District, or District/State Championships. However, every FRC team is eligible to win this award, whether you will be present at Championship or not.
Submissions for the award will be made through STIMS. Submissions will open on March 1st, and close on March 22nd.
Submissions will take the form of a media plan. Teams will be submitting their media plan, in the form of a PDF file, not to exceed two pages including graphics, that includes both their strategy and any results that have been tracked (include web site traffic, # of friends and/or followers, likes, etc.). This document should include applicable links, urls, and hashtags that provide access to the digital properties you created including but not limited to web and video sites, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, Pinterest boards, mobile apps.
Good luck!
I’ll blog again soon.