In response to this and my need to do something robotics related while in class, I created the Boulder Smell Database found at
I have never done web design with actual input or function. Hopefully I will find the time to add features such as sorting and searching. If you have any questions or comments you’re welcome to leave them below.
We’ve done it. We’ve officially run out of things to discuss.
That being said, I’ll definitely smell our boulders today, mostly out of morbid curiosity.
Last week I bought a new timing belt for a tank tread prototype, opened the packaging and placed it on the table in our robotics work area. I turned around for a minute, then looked back and saw half the students passing the tread around smelling it. I thought the students on my team were…uh…unique. But this thread proves me wrong.
Maybe it’s just me, but I seem to have a strange error where, when I click the table, it brings me back to the top of the site? (I’m not that fussed, just wanted to let you know so you could improve your code )
The tread they use is actually manufactured for food service conveyer belts. They add vanilla scent to the rubber so that your entire kitchen doesn’t smell like a tire factory.
Haha thank you. I knew I had to do that but I thought that the escape() function did. I guess a quick google search and using the first result is not the best way to create a website.
I know what those 3 sites do (crashchrome, crashsafari, crashfirefox), but it was my understanding that it just pushed dummy info (to the size of several gigabytes) to your browser history. I know on iPhones it causes them to “restart” (not a true restart, but similar) from running out of RAM. What happens on a chromebook?