FRC Dashboard 2016: flashes, then goes gray at driver station startup

We are using the provided LabView tank drive template. Please help! :slight_smile:

We have rebooted the Classmate 14, win 7. It was working perfectly Monday.

So the Driver Station is fine, but the Dashboard is entirely grayed out?

Are you using the default Dashboard or one you created?

On the Driver Station Setup tab is the *Dashboard **Type *selected Default?

Default dashboard-confirmed as such in the Driver Station.

After your post we played around and in the Driver Station we “undocked” the “Window” button and it worked!

Thank you for your suggestion. :slight_smile:

Yeah I noticed that on our classmate. The werid thing is I can’t change the window mode of the drive station. We are using Java to program the robot so we switched the defualt to the Smartdashboard. My guess is it is scalling glitch related to the low resolution of the classmate laptop.

The Driver Station window dock controls are disabled if you use the Driver user account.
Use the Developer user account to keep them active.

Thanks. That helps a lot. We never used the driver login.