FRC Demo Opportunity in Philadelphia

Hello Philly area FRC teams (and any other that are in driving distance):

There are a few open spots for FRC teams to demo at the Video Game Expo in Philadelphia. Three FRC teams per day - Nov 21, 22, and 23 - will participate. Each participating team will receive 5 free weekend passes to the Expo.

Here are the details:
this place promises to get thousands of attendees

Known Details:
Nov 21-23 (Fri-Sun) - we’re looking for 3 FRC teams each day and wanted to give your team an opportunity to attend. 10x10 “pit” type space with power provided along with adjacent mini field for lap and hurdle demo “races” - one robot at a time

Nov 21 - load in beginning at 11 am, begin demo at noon, lap/hurdle “Races” once per hour, finish up at 5:30, (Expo open until 8 for you to visit, etc)

Nov 22 - load in beginning at 9 am, begin demo at 10am, lap/hurdle “Races” once per hour, finish up at 5:30, (Expo open until 7 for you to visit, etc)

Nov 23 - load in beginning at 10 am, begin demo at 11 am, lap/hurdle “Races” once per hour, finish up at 4 pm, (Expo open until 5 for you to visit, etc)

Teams are encouraged to allow spectators operate robots with supervision. As of today there are 2 or 3 Friday slots open, 1 Saturday slot, and 1 Sunday slot.

There will be VRC events taking place on site as well (registration to open very soon for these): - scrimmage - 12 team 1-day competition - 12 team 1-day competition

Only serious inquires from FRC team lead mentors please, first come-first served. Email me - kresslr[at]

Hey Rich, just a heads up that I’m talking to 1089 about this! Keep an eye out for an email from Mr. G, or a post here to let you know if we’re not able. =)


I’ll talk to 222 about it tonight.


as of noon today, we have Saturday totally covered, but still need two teams for Friday and two teams for Sunday.

On Saturday, Miss Daisy, Royal Assault, Dawgma, and MOE attended the expo and had a great time. The crowds loved the robots and VEX demos. I’ll post a few pics here, and the rest can be seen at

Check out the shots of Luigi, Stormtroopers, and the lightsaber battle.