FRC Driver Station

Hi, I am from FRC Team #9692. We are having issues with our driver station during TeleOp. For what appears to be no issue, our TeleOp code is being stopped during practice sessions. No error message is being given. Could someone please help us with this issue?

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Have you updated to Game Tools Patch 1? Sounds like issues that were fixed in that.

Is you code stopping or is the Driver Station switching back to disabled?

If you have updated providing us with DS logs and/or the timing screen from the DS would be helpful.

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We’ve been running into this issue too, the robot just randomly disables, and no error is reported in driverstation. We’ve also been having strange issues with motors continuing doing what they’re told to in a certain moment, ie if we’re driving forward, the robot will keep driving forward, even if we take our hands off the sticks. When this happens, advantagescope stops getting values, but stays connected to the robot

It sounds like you’re having short wifi dropouts. Sometimes they’re long enough to disable the DS, other times they’re short enough to not do that, but cause the other behaviors. Modern WiFi cards in laptops do a lot of weird power/bandwidth saving things that can disrupt real-time controls. Are you operating the radio at 5 GHz? Are there lots of other wifi networks in the area? Do you see these issues when operating tethered with an Ethernet cable? Do you see these issues with other laptops? As Jason said above, seeing the timing screen from the DS would be helpful, along with the DS logs. When you say there’s “no error reported”, you’re not seeing anything in the full console window?


If you haven’t seen it already, here’s the Drive Station beat practices guide: Driver Station Best Practices — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation

Thank you, the new patch works in resolving this issue.

Thank you, we are considering moving to a new router