I know a couple of people have already done this, but I wanted to try out this ranking system. As we enter the new decade, we must look back to the past one. We will hopefully be deciding what the best FRC game of the decade is!
In order to do this in the most objective way possible, you will be giving your top ten games of the decade (not hard since there are only ten games). Every position on the list is worth a certain amount of points, for example.
Rankings will based on how many points they earn total from each voter. So every position counts!
This may not be the best way to decide this, but hopefully we can have fun doing it! fell free to discuss why you think certain games that are better, or worse. The deadline is 2020-01-31T06:00:00Z, and results will be posted then. Enjoy!
Thanks to all the people who responded to my form. I only got 39 responses, but i did get a decent idea of how effective this voting system works. Here are the final results.
Here are the results from my survey with 52 resonses, which is ranked the same way (except using average instead of sum). Not exactly the same results as yours, but pretty similar. RMS error of only 0.87 average score. I would combine the two results, but if people voted in both surveys then their votes would be counted twice.