FRC Geographic Information System

Hello All,

I am in the process of building an FRC related Geographic Information System (GIS) that will allow people to visually inspect data on FRC Teams across the globe.

These maps show just a little bit of the idea. I hope to have an Internet Map Service available for real time interaction and query.

Here I have utilized Ed Law’s data and integrated it with my GIS…

Let me know what you think…

Christopher DeYoe
Team 2252, The Mavericks

Very cool.
Have you looked at Mark McLeod’s resources on Team 358’s site?

Yes, I did look at it. Very nice. Good source to find out where teams are, however I am adding a spatial database engine that will show statistics on performance for all the teams. Hopefully setup query functions…kind of like a “visual thebluealliance”. My ultimate dream will be a portal for teams to enter their data into the system. But we must take baby steps first.

That’s incredibly awesome, looking forward to seeing it :slight_smile: