I have followed all installation and update instructions to the letter, yet when I open Labview I am presented with the 2014 launch screen with only default templates, rather than the FRC 2015 with the roboRIO templates. Is the proper version a separate program or did something fail to install properly?
Did you install the FRC Update Suite located here?
You should see LabVIEW FRC 2015 on the Getting Started screen when LabVIEW loads.
You may want to open up the NI License manager and see what it says is installed from NI. Particularly, the 2015 FRC packages need to be reviewed to see if they are present.
Because this may get detailed, if you don’t see the issue, you may want to get with an NI support engineers and have them talk you through it.
Greg McKaskle
License manager could only find parts of the update. A reinstall seems to have fixed the issue. Thanks for the help