FRC Live Trivia Tonight! Win Prizes, best your friends!

Test your FRC Knowledge on a live game show, see who is the best among your friends and win prizes! Live FRC trivia show at 8:30pm & 9:00pm ET.

Watch and chat at and play on or download Kahoot for IOS or Android. You must use your Twitch handle to be eligable to win.

8:30pm Trivia: Focused on 2018 season
9:00pm Trivia: Focused on history and general knowledge.

Prizes include: Cooler Master Devastator 3 Keyboard/Mouse Combo & T-shirts from FRC2410 & FRC5421.

Starting in a few minutes with game 1! Hope you can join us!

Despite the first-time hiccups, this was really fun!

One request:

If you are going to do two shows, I would love if there was an East Coast time and a West Coast time. I mean like 9:00 PM EST and 9:00 PM PST (or something). It’s a bit hard logging in at 5:30 and going till 7:00 since this requires more focus/attention than watching another show in the background.

Exciting to see FUN bringing new kinds of content and interaction with the community. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

This. 9:00 Eastern is 6:00 Pacific, and the West Coast folks are stuck in traffic any time between 4 and 7. ;):stuck_out_tongue: (At least the ones in places with a rush hour, like SoCal.)

And also… a little more warning might be nice, I had no clue this was even happening until it was already over.

Thank you to everyone who tuned in. A couple issues but overall a success and something that I think we will continue doing into the future!

Thanks for the comments. We could consider doing one that is later and would have to judge the results between the two streams to see if it made sense from our end and we didn’t have too much of a drop in viewership (also I’m on central time and it’s a work night).

We actually did announce this nearly a week in advance on a different post that was pinned to user announcements. Also announced on our social media, reddit, discord, and FB groups. It’s off-season so I think that people just don’t check robotics channels as often but in sincerity if you have other suggestions I’m very open to what else we could do. We might be able to announce this through FIRST but as it was a pilot and issues are more common to happen I wanted to wait.

I’m still curious to what else we could use in lieu of Kahoot. Most of our problems would be solved if we could turn on 2 factor authentication but since the timer is only 7 seconds and not everyone has decent internet to load the stream in time before the code changes I’m not quite sure what we can do. Kahoot otherwise is great as it’s easy to create questions and the graphics are clean.

I shared this on stream but I did have a thought of possibly putting together a Festival of Champions Family Feud edition where we have a rep from each member of the championship alliances go against the other championship. Might pursue this and you can watch live and put in what you think the answers are in chat.

Also we still need more trivia questions! You can submit your questions here.

Also the Kahoots from last night are now public:

2018 season trivia: Kahoot!
History and General FIRST Trivia: Kahoot!

Aw man, wish I could have stayed on in time for the history one. I know nearly all of those. Hoping to see more history versions like this in the future.

I think something is up with the Kahoot site which keeps showing the correct answer as the red triangle…

Lol I don’t think it randomizes the answers when I send the link. Thought it would since it’s toggled for the live events. In the future I guess I’ll have to randomize the answers ahead of time too if we want to share offline.