FRC Mad Libs

Hello everyone! I thought of doing a sort of Mad Libs, FRC Edition, so I figured “why not?”

You’ll probably want a piece of paper or something. Basically, I’ll list a bunch of stuff like:
Adjective, verb, name

And then I’ll have a hidden story like this:
Today was [adjective]. I went [verb] with [name]!

So you can just copy and paste, write in whatever you have, and then you can post it here!

So let’s do this!

Story 1: The Callout

Number, noun, plural noun, adjective, verb, verb, food, plural noun, adjective, noun, adverb

Story to fill in

“Welcome to FRC [number]! On our team, you will build a [noun]. But FRC is not just [plural noun], it is also the [adjective] students and mentors behind it! First, you will learn to [verb]. This is one of the most important skills you will learn. While on the team, you will also be doing things like [verb]. Since our meetings are late, dinners usually including [food] will be provided. So what will you do? Perhaps you’ll work on a flywheel that shoots [plural noun], or make a(n) [adjective] [noun] reveal video! Whatever you do, don’t forget to work [adverb] at it!”

Edit: I made it a Wiki so I can just update it with the latest story.

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47, Chief Delphi, threads, unread, like, flag, cheesy poofs, posts, locked, flamewar, quickly

This worked a lot better than I intended

“Welcome to FRC 47! On our team, you will build a Chief Delphi. But FRC is not just threads, it is also the unread students and mentors behind it! First, you will learn to like. This is one of the most important skills you will learn. While on the team, you will also be doing things like flag(ing). Since our meetings are late, dinners usually including cheesy poofs will be provided. So what will you do? Perhaps you’ll work on a flywheel that shoots posts, or make a locked flamewar reveal video! Whatever you do, don’t forget to work quickly at it!”


Yaay, the first story! That was lovely.

Up to you, but you may want to consider making the OP a wiki so you can edit after a day.

Your call, though - it might work better to just post a new reply with the latest story. :man_shrugging:

Thanks, I didn’t even think of that!

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Oh, I thought every person was supposed to put one thing in. I guess not.

Is that pronounced Mad Libs or Mad Libes?


Lol, whyy??

I saw this coming

I used 47 and cheesy poofs too :laughing:

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