FRC Match information Display

-FRC Match Information Program v1.0 by Team3593-

The Match Information Program is a tool to display the bumper color, alliance members, and time-of-match for any competition! Right now, I can customize the program for **anyone **who wants it, just send me an Icon 32x32 and a Team Graphic 705x333 and I’ll make it your own! Read below for basic use and let me know any problems you encounter as this is the first program I’ve released! :smiley:

Basic Use:
-Install the appropriate vs2012 redisributable for your system
-To set match times, click the corresponding button and type the times of each match
-To set Alliance Partners, click the corresponding button and enter your Alliance partners for each match
-Make sure you spell “blue” and “red” correctly in the Bumper Color boxes, future updates will remove the typing function and just give the *choice *between the two

Planned Updates:
-Choice between Blue and Red in comboboxes instead of entering text
-*Automatic *match switching by time (20 minutes after the scheduled match time, the program will display the next match information until 20 min after the Next scheduled time)

You can download it here!

Questions, comments or suggestions? Email us at [email protected] with your message or for Customizations!