FRC Minecraft Server

Hello wonderful people of Chief Delphi!

After some discussion with friends and other FRC members, we have decided to dedicate a server for all members to play on. It will be whitelisted, so if you are hoping to join, comment below with your username and team number (and team colors), because we will hopefully have team selection options to add a bit of personality to every character.

We’ve also got a Facebook page set up for chit chat and donations in order to keep this server running. It would be most appreciated if you could contribute!

We’ll be going live once we’ve got enough interest and everything is set up, which should be within the next week.

what version?
what kind of server?
is it only for legit accounts?

MC User: gixxy
Team: 3946 Tiger Robotics
Colors: Green and White

Also, the Facebook Group link isn’t working.

We run the most recent version of minecraft (not snapshots). It will hopefully be vanilla with utilization of command blocks rather than plugins, and yes, legit accounts only.

Minecraft Username: DiamondBlox1
Team: 240 Tempest Robotics
Colors: Blue and Gold.

Will booster mods such as Optifine be allowed?

Optifine is allowed.

Username: Ashrifel
Team: That ONE Team - 4967
Colors: Black and blue.
website for reference:

Username: th3_cartographer
Team: The Dynamos (250)
Colors: Blue with yellow highlights
edit: The Facebook page isn’t working for me either.

Username: legodeoxys
Team: 230 Galehawks
Colors: black and orange

If you could make it so we can use nicknames, that would be great since I got my account from a friend who doesn’t play anymore, and can’t change the username

Username BBond10
Team 78
Colors Blue And Green

Username : Blue_Destruction
Team# 5881
Blue and Green