FRC Reveal Video Bingo

With the recent influx of robot reveal videos, and the upcoming Premiere Night on FUN, I thought it would be a good time to release my ‘Reveal Video Bingo’ sheets to a wider audience.

We’ve all seen hundreds of reveal videos, we all know the tired tropes that are employed in their filming, but FRC Reveal Video Bingo™ turns watching them into a fun game. All you have to do is choose a bingo sheet, watch a reveal video on CD or on the FUN stream, and see if it’s a BINGO!. So far, from just CD reveals, I’ve gotten 18 Bingos. How many bingos ya got?



This is awesome. We will definitely pass this along for people to play.


Makes me feel a bit better that our reveal only checks two squares (three if you count the free one). :slight_smile:

My own team’s video has 3-4 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, shoutout to Robowranglers for ruining the free space. :black_heart:


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