FRC Team 1710 | 2025 Build Thread | Open Alliance

Welcome back to the Team 1710 Open Alliance build thread!

Team 1710 plans on re-joining the Open Alliance for the 2025 season! We had a blast doing this last year, and felt it helped our team a whole lot!

Our Goals for the 2025 Open Alliance Build Thread

Last year, I feel like this build thread helped keep the team on track. We learned from the rest of the community, and hopefully taught somebody something. You can find that thread here: FRC Team 1710 | 2024 Build Thread | Open Alliance

This year, we are hoping to accomplish similar goals. We want to go a little more in depth with our documentation and decision making processes, share more successes and failures throughout the season, and continue to learn as much as we can from the great community at hand!

We are also hoping to document our pre-season project in depth using this thread. Hopefully that project will help our students learn and prepare for the long season ahead. It should also provide some good practice for those on the team that will be contributing to this thread.

Starting Early

Hopefully we aren’t too premature in getting this thread started. I haven’t seen any official OA team registration come out yet, so there could be some differences from last year. If any of those future differences affect this thread, I’ll be sure to update appropriately.

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Really enjoyed your thread last year, Good Luck!


Pre-Season Project

The first meeting is nearly here! Before the pre-season starts, the ProBuDe (Programming, Build, and Design) leaders decided to embark on a relatively large endeavor for the meetings prior to kickoff: updating our outreach bot! It was built as a swerve drive testbed back in 2021, and while it still runs well enough for outreach purposes, it’s in need of considerable maintenance. So, we’ve decided to overhaul its design, take it apart, and rebuild it in a project we’ve named “LOKI.”




Inspired by 2910’s Rapid React robot, “THOR,” it features an over-the-bumper intake along with a shooter, allowing us to reuse cargo from 2022 for increased interactivity at outreach events. To save resources, we’ve kept the frame the same size as the old outreach robot (23”x23”) and plan to use our old NEOs for all mechanisms.



Our goal with this project is to provide a “build-season” type experience for newer members, helping them get accustomed to the deadlines and time constraints of the season. Along with this, we are able to use this project as practice for our machining members, particularly those working with the CNC and lathe.

One issue we face every year is time, especially during pre-season. The team only meets three times per week during this period, and all of our meetings combined amount to just over a week’s worth of build-season hours. To address this, the Design subteam decided to complete all aspects of the CAD model before the first official meeting in order to get a jumpstart and give the Build subteam ample time to machine the robot parts.

Additionally, we have chosen to delay completing some less crucial mechanisms, such as the over-the-bumper intake and shooter hood, for a future time. This will ensure that we can make the robot mostly functional without putting too much pressure on the team during the pre-season.


Subsystem Overview



  • 23” x 23” Frame
  • MK2 Swerve Modules w/ 4” Billet Wheels
  • Top-Mounted Electrical Components



  • Over-the-Bumper
  • Utilizes 4” Mecanum Wheel to Center Cargo
  • Driven by Chain and Sprockets
  • Powered by 2 NEOs w/ MAXPlanetary Gearboxes




  • 2” Thrifty Squish Wheels
  • HTD Belt Conveyor System
  • 1 Beam Break for Sensing Cargo
  • Powered by a NEO


  • 4” Colson Flywheels
  • Rack and Pinion Adjustable Hood
  • Powered by 2 NEOs


Feel free to ask questions or make suggestions! The CAD model is linked below: