FRC Team 3636 Generals Robotics | 2024 Build Thread

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the 2024 openalliance Build Thread for FRC Team 3636, Generals Robotics, hailing from Portland, Oregon, USA.

This year we intend to make a number of changes to our Open Alliance content to note — we will be increasing the quantity of our updates during the build season, with per-meeting recaps and design snapshots as opposed to merely weekly updates on our progress; expanding the topics we post write-ups about from just design to encompass additional programming and electrical documentation; and just generally improving the overall quality of our posts, with much more effort put towards polishing and making our content more informative. Expect our first few posts sometime in the weeks to come, likely on our robot design and programming for the Bunnybots offseason competition hosted by Team 1540.

Once again, all of the links for our photographs, CAD, codebase, and other documentation can be found on our team Linktree. Any questions posted on this thread or in the Open Alliance discord are welcome and will be promptly responded to.

— Asa | 3636


Background and References

Design Workflow

Team 3636’s design process begins with brainstorming on kickoff day, followed by a week to two of mechanism prototyping and programming testing, typically feeding into a finalized robot design by build week two or three. While our first ideas and rough sketches start on the shop whiteboard, we use CAD to model everything beyond that.
All of our designs are done in Onshape, a web-based CAD software we have chosen due to several advantageous features—namely, cloud-based simultaneous design, integrated multi-document design, a branching version-control system to streamline our workflow, and open-source design featurescripts. For our CNC router, we CAM in Autodesk Fusion 360; for our 3D printers, Bambu Studio; and for our Glowforge laser cutters, the web-based slicer Kiri:Moto.
All of our CAD is freely available. Our main robot document will be linked in our Linktree, and each mechanism or prototyping document will be linked in posts referring to them. Posts during the build season containing photos of CAD models and descriptions of design choices will refer back to both a document and a version, which can be accessed to view the model in 3D as it was at the time.

Machining Capabilities

While we are somewhat limited by our quite small shop space (being based out of a storage closet tends to do that to you), our machining capabilities are fairly strong, mostly owing to our PDJ Pilot Pro CNC router and our two Bambu Lab P1P 3D printers. Below is an itemized list of our shop equipment for reference, with the most essential machines italicized. Posts during the build season will refer back to items on this list in regards to certain design and prototyping decisions made due to equipment constraints.

Stationary Equipment:
2 x Bambu Lab P1P2 x Glowforge Plus 3D Laser Printer • 2 x Jet J-41002 Combination Belt-Disc Sander • 1 x Central Machinery Horizontal/Vertical Metal Cutting Band Saw • 1 x Continental International 12-Speed Heavy Duty Drill Press • 1 x DeWALT DWM120 Deep Cut Band Saw • 1 x DeWALT DW872 Multicutter • 1 x Grizzly G1007 Milling/Drilling Machine • 1 x LittleMachineShop Model 5550 HiTorque Deluxe Bench Mill • 1 x LittleMachineShop Model 5100 HiTorque Mini Lathe • 1 x Jet 8-Inch Bench Grinder • 1 x Jet 14” Deluxe Pro Bandsaw • 1 x PDJ Pilot Pro 2642 CNC Router • 1 x WEN 10” Drill Press with Laser
Handheld Power Tools:
? x Milwaukiee ⅜” Drill Driver • 1 x Chicago Electric 4-½” Heavy Duty Angle Grinder • 1 x Hakko HJ5000 Heat Gun • 1 x Milwaukiee Hackzall Reciprocating Saw • 1 x Milwaukiee Rivet Tool • 1 x Ridgid R82230 Impact Driver
Various Hand Tools


Team 3636 will compete at:

  • Competition Week 2: Oregon State Fairgrounds PNW District Qualifier
  • Competition Week 4: Wilsonville PNW District Qualifier
  • (potentially) Competition Week 6: PNW District Championship
  • (potentially) Competition Week 7: World Championship

— Asa | 3636


Kickoff: First Reaction

Overall Impressions

This year’s game is relatively simple, with only one game piece to manipulate and a climb endgame. However, the simplicity is misleading, as it seems difficult to score all RP in a match. Defense will likely play a large part in this game as the pin timer has been increased to five seconds. Swerve remains dominant in the meta with a large, empty playing field. Furthermore, the new Cooperatition Point mechanic enables alliances to effectively score five RP per match, increasing (decreasing?) stratification of the scoreboard going into Playoffs.

Notable Rules

This year’s challenge introduces a number of unique design constraints:

  • G403: Robots may only control one game piece at a time during auto.
  • G404: Robots may not shoot game pieces into their Wing during auto if their bumpers are fully outside their Wing.
  • G409: Robots may not control more than one game piece during teleop unless in their Source zone.
  • G413: Robot height may not exceed 4’ and robots may not extend beyond 1’ out of their frame parameters. Notably, multiple simultaneous extensions from one or multiple sides of the robot are allowed this year.
  • G414: Robots with bumpers fully or partially in the opposing alliance’s Wing may not shoot game pieces into their Wing.
  • G415: Robots may only interact with the chain and the game pieces.
  • G416: Robots may not restrict the length of the chain to tension it.
  • G420: Pin duration has been extended from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • G422,3,4: Robots are protected when contacting their Podium before the last 20 seconds of the match; robots are protected in their Source and Amp zones; and robots are protected when hanging from the chain at any point in the match or while in the Stage zone in the last 20 seconds.
  • R401: Bumper gaps of greater than ¼” per side are disallowed. Bumpers must be full-length on all sides.
  • R502: Only four propulsion motors.

Strategic Considerations

  • This year’s endgame necessitates a small frame perimeter.
  • The increased pin time means we will likely see more defensive play, so weighting our robot for greater force is a consideration.
  • The Trap goal available during the endgame seems difficult to score in without tall/unwieldy mechanisms.
  • The game pieces this year are extremely compliant and easy to intake, but the ban on bumper gaps makes an effective ground intake design geometrically difficult. We are currently considering over-the-bumper or under-the-bumper alternatives.

Next Steps

Our design work for the next few days will be on our Cardboard CAD document. We will post updates tonight/tomorrow with preliminary designs.

— Asa | 3636

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Day Two Designs


Main CAD Model

Prototyping Document

Design Direction

After exploring several robot ideas from our own members and other community resources, we have taken a liking to two possible designs, both involving a pivoting shooter and under-the-bumper intake. Our decision to use a pivoting shooter will afford us the ability to score in both the Amp and the Speaker. Right now, an under-the-bumper intake seems appealing to us as it aligns with our strategic considerations of having a ground intake, robust design, few moving parts, fast deployment (no deployment even), and being wide and touch-it-own-it. Also, the compact geometry of an under-the-bumper intake allows more space for other mechanisms, such as our pivoting shooter and climb mechanism. For our climb, we will most likely settle for single or double Thrifty Telescoping Tubes. We are currently playing with ideas on how to lock onto the chain and prevent sliding.

Design Snapshots

Preliminary master sketch modeling intake and shooter geometry. Crescendo 2024 - 0000 > Master Sketch > Ver. 1.07.2024 21:51

Intake geometry close-up. Crescendo 2024 - 0000 > Master Sketch > Ver. 1.07.2024 21:51

Possible locking climber hook. Prototyping > cliber > Ver. 1.08.2024 00:06

Depending on whether our shooter prototype is able to score into the Amp by shooting notes from below, we are thinking about adding an additional degree of freedom to our shooter, allowing it to extend and shoot down into the amp to improve consistency.

Master sketch modeling arm with wrist. Cardboard CAD > Arm Robot > Ver. 1.08.2024 00:09

Prototype Designs

Intake geometry testing plate. Prototyping > Intake > UTB Intake!?!?!??? > Ver 1.08.2024 00:06

Flywheel crush testing jig. Prototyping > Shooter > crush test > Ver 1.08.2024 00:06

Indexer-shooter prototype. Prototyping > Shooter > shooter test > Ver 1.08.2024 00:06

Finally, we have assessed the trap as a high-investment, high-reward mechanic that could allow you to effectively solo a ranking point, but also that that investment would necessitate a great increase in complexity by potentially adding another subsystem. Right now, we are avoiding challenging the trap in favor of trying for fast and consistent cycles and ways to make room for alliance partners on the chain for the Harmony bonus. Tomorrow we plan to start constructing some prototype subsystem models and will share our results here.

— Ari | 3636 Design Lead


Meeting One

Prototyping Progress

We have made a fair bit of progress with our prototyping in the two days since our last update. We completed the CAD for an adjustable-angle indexer-shooter prototyping jig, built a shooter flywheel crush testing jig, scrapped it, redesigned and rebuilt it, and constructed and began testing with a UTB ground intake prototype.

Updated indexer-shooter prototype with adjustable angle. Prototyping > Shooter > shooter test >Ver 1.09.2024 17:30

UTB intake testing jig plates with bearing retainers.

Fully functional UTB intake jig.

UTB intake jig configuration efficiency.

Our UTB intake functions excellently - on the second, third, and fourth holes from the inside of the bearing slot our intake jig was able to intake note after note for ~5 minutes with perfect consistency. Furthermore, this was with insufficient compression on our top roller and no high-friction material on our lower roller, so once we add those to our final design the consistency will be something out of a dream. We ultimately decided on the spacing of the third hole for our final design as the angle the note came out of the intake seemed the best with it.

Complete crush testing jig V1 - scrapped due to poor dimensions and tolerances.

Complete crush testing jig V2.

We do not yet have testing results from our flywheel crush jig; we will release them tomorrow or day after.

Programming Update

GradleRIO, WPILib’s build tool, is now broken with Kotlin as of the 2024 release. This poses a bit of a problem for us, because we planned to use Kotlin for our robot code. We’re currently working hard to fix this along with 2471 | Mean Machine, another local team that uses Kotlin.

— Asa | 3636


Build Week One

Design Updates

Closing out week one of build season, we have started to commit to one of our early robot designs that prioritizes fast speaker and amp cycles while maintaining a low center of mass and having an adjustable shooter to extend our range as far as possible. We’re making good progress in our robot CAD and combing out issues before they crop during fabrication and drive testing.

Full robot V1 (minus shooter). Crescendo 2024 - 0000 Main > full robor > Ver. 1.14.2024 10:17


Current drivetrain with transparent bumpers to showcase side-skirts. Crescendo 2024 - 0001 Drivetrain > Drivetrain > Ver. 1.13.2024 18:16

For our drivetrain, we have settled on a 30”L x 28”W box tube frame driven by REV 3 inch MAXSwerve modules. Our drivetrain has a high bumper to allow for under-the-bumper intaking, coupled with polycarbonate side-skirts to funnel notes into our intake and keep notes from getting caught under our robot. We decided to increase our drivetrain dimensions to 30”L x 28”W, up from 28”L x 26”W, to give ourselves more design freedom, allow for simpler subsystem packaging, and provide even greater stability while driving. Our main intake–shooter system and our climber take up all of the central space of our drivetrain, where we would normally put our electronics, so this year we are going to add on side panels to mount our electronics on. Our drivetrain is our subsystem closest to being finalized and we will hopefully have it built and wired by the end of week two.


UTB intake mounted within the drivetrain. Crescendo 2024 - 0002 Intake > Intake Main > Intake > Ver. 1.13.2024 15:20

Our under-the-bumper intake is the first stage of our game piece path. It’s capable of pulling notes off of the ground with two rollers, and pushing them up an HDPE ramp into our shooter with a third roller. This intake facilitates compact and low-to-the-ground ground pickup and is much simpler compared to bulky, pivoting over-the-bumper mechanisms. We are aware of the inherent disadvantages of working with game pieces under-the-bumper, such as smaller intake width/reach, egregious frame space usage, and poor driver usability, but hope to mitigate many of those issues with a simple intake extension mechanism and additional side panels to provide space for our electronics.

Intake Extension

OTB intake extension. Crescendo 2024 - 0002 Intake > Intake Main > Intake > Ver. 1.13.2024 15:20

Another drawback of under-the-bumper intakes is limited intake reach and width. We address this by adding a static over-the-bumper intake that drops down at the beginning of a match and stays down to vector game pieces into our chassis. We expect this game to be very fast, with the possibility of high speed collisions during cycles, so we’ve taken measures such as doubling the intake plates to mitigate the impacts of T-bone collisions, adding a box tube beater bar to mitigate the impact of head-on collisions, and using HDPE mounting plates to absorb shock at the mounting sites. We’ve heard that vectored intake wheels may be ineffective on notes, and we will test that within the next week. If they don’t work as well as we hoped we are considering utilizing a design similar to what 7407 described in their Robot Concept Update 1 video that could vector notes without vectored wheels.

Intake extension bottom-up view. Crescendo 2024 - 0002 Intake > Dead Crossbar > Dead Crossbar > Ver. 1.13.2024 15:20


We have been hard at work iterating on our shooter to get as much effective distance as we can out of it. We originally planned on a dual horizontal flywheel design; however, after considering the packaging of the shooter and seeing many videos from other team’s tests, such as 95, 4481, and SteelCityRoboticsAlliance, demonstrating that vertical flywheel shooters can deliver impressive range, we decided to pursue a vertical flywheel setup.

One of the main issues with a vertical shooter design is that adding spin to stabilize notes is more difficult. We have a few different ideas on how to solve this problem. The first one is adding a grippy surface to one side of the shooter to cause more drag on that side and add spin (i.e. hop-up). We like this idea because it is extremely simple; however, we are unsure about its effectiveness. The other idea comprises powering the left and right sets of flywheels with separate motors so we can vary the amount of spin. We like the idea of being able to easily adjust note spin but this design would add a significant increase in complexity and weight.

Our plan going forwards is to prototype a vertical shooter with separately controlled flywheels and use the data from that testing to decide whether we add it to the robot.

Vertical shooter prototype jig. Crescendo 2024 - prototypes > shooter > vertical testbench > Ver. 1.12.2024 23:53

We have decided to stick with a pivoting shooter design because we really like the flexibility. A pivoting shooter will allow us to shoot at the speaker from wherever without compromising our amp scoring. We were originally considering driving the pivot with a chain but after more thought and mentor feedback decided to swap to belt-driven to avoid the backlash a long chain would suffer from.

“From the moment I understood the backlash of the chain, it disgusted me. I craved the workability and certainty of belts.” — Ari

“Two Krakens driving a relatively light arm through a belt? This is FRC programming on easy mode!” — Max

The last aspect of our shooter design that we changed since our last update was the way that we deliver each note into the flywheels.

Shooter v1 top view. Crescendo 2024 - 0003 Shooter > Shooter> Ver. 1.11.2024 20:18

Our original idea, pictured above, was to have two compliant wheels hold the note in the plate until we wanted to shoot and then we would spin these feed wheels to deliver the note into the shooter. However, after a little thought, we figured out that as each note traveled through the flywheels the feed wheels would cause drag on the note, reducing our range. We have come up with a few ideas to solve this problem. The one we believe most promising is to use smaller feed wheels at the very back of the note to pinch it in place and cause very little drag when shooting. Another idea we had was to use a solenoid to block the note’s path into the flywheels and use a second solenoid to push the note into the flywheels.

We intend to prioritize our shooter this year and plan to keep iterating on it throughout the build season. Our current goal is to be able to shoot into the speaker from the front of the stage but the dream would be to be able to shoot into the speaker from the side of the stage.


Climber in context of our robot and climber fully extended in climbing position (bumper touching truss). Crescendo 2024 - 0000 Main > full robor > Ver. 1.14.2024 10:17

We have seen several ideas tossed around for climber mechanisms, such as elevators, arms, and even some more wild designs like grapple guns or nested PVC pipes. However, we see no reason that a COTS telescoping climber would be ineffective this season. Our analysis is that climb success will primarily be determined by the method by which a robot interfaces with the chain. Our solution to this takes heavy inspiration from one of 4481’s climber prototypes, using a hook that locks onto a vertical link and is held in place by the next horizontal link.

— Ari | 3636 Design Lead, Adam | 3636 Design, Max | 3636 Programming Lead


Hi, I noticed you are using a very similar drivetrain to my cadathon robot. Something that we realized after I cadded it is that we can’t actually take the MAXSwerve modules out without drilling out rivets. We’re planning to bolt polycarb to the side of our spectrum corners to make that portion of polycarb detach when we take off the swerve modules:

I recommend you do something similar or plan a way to bend the polycarb so you can take the modules out.

Also if you have space for electronics under the bottom of the robot, I’d recommend you do that. I only didn’t in the cadathon because my shooter pivot took up that space.


Thanks for the idea of giving the modules themselves their own sideskirts to maintain accessibility, It’s most certainly better than any idea that we’ve come up with. We will probably come up with a way to use the free space in the drivetrain created by putting all the electronics on a side panel, which has been greatly requested by our electrical members, possibly using it for ballast, wire routing, moving some electronics, or space for Orange Pi or mini PCs.


Would you still include a way to tension the belts you use on the shooter pivot? And aren’t there ways to effectively get rid of chain backlash on a pivot?

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Thank you greatly for the advance warning about the side-skirts interfering with our module maintenance! We are designing something similar to your detachable drivetrain corners and will include our model in the update after our next meeting.

Crescendo 2024 - 0001 Drivetrain

— Asa | 3636

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Hello! We will have adjustable idlers in our plates to properly tension our belts. We do not have room in our current design to add the larger sprockets necessary to reduce chain backlash. We also wanted to give belts a try because we have seen 1540 and 111 use them on their arms, to great success.

— Ari | 3636 Design Lead


polycarbonate side-skirts

Of course you all would call them side-skirts. I know that’s kind of a … Hot topic among your team.

vertical shooter design is that adding spin to stabilize notes is more difficult.

Well I hear Adam on your team has years of experience with vertical flywheels and making things spin.

Can’t wait to see y’all at DCMPs hopefully!


We tested MAXswerve vs NOTEs and found it not to be a problem: (FRC 2846 FireBears | 2024 Build Thread | Open Alliance - #6 by Tyler_S)



“Why make the decision to double up on the polycarb instead of switching to aluminum? Also, what’s the wall thickness of the beater bar?”

The reason why we went with double polycarb as opposed to aluminum is if why got hit really bad, the polycarbonate would not permanently deform like aluminum. Doubling up the plates increases their strength overall, and especially in critical places like the pivot points. Right now, we’re using 1/16" wall box tube for our beater bar.


Do you have the cad file for this? This seems like a great way to prototype multiple iterations without making a ton of parts.

Also, I see you are planning an UTB design with swerve. How do you plan to contend with the ground clearance issues between the notes and frame?

Adam from 3636 here, because we use maxswerve we are able to get a ground clearance of 2.75 inches

The files for the bearing retainer we designed can be found here:

Build Weeks Two and Three


Hello again! We apologize for the long delay in between updates - we lost the entirety of our second build week to an unforeseen ice storm as our shop accessibility is tied to our school district’s schedule. Fortunately, we got in a good bit of shop time over Week 3 and the weekend to begin realizing our designs.


The first weekend we got back into our shop after the snowstorm we put together our shooter prototype, made parts for our prototype intake, painted parts for our robot, started assembling our final drivetrain, and finished making our test Speaker.

Drivetrain frame perimeter.

During build week three we finalized our shooter prototype and tested how adding spin to the note as we shot it would affect our precision and accuracy. From this, we roughly determined that adding spin increases vertical precision at the expense of horizontal accuracy.

Shooter test results - blue marks are shots without spin and white marks are shots with spin.

This testing was conducted with a basic laser-cut wood mock-up. All shots were fired from the Wing line. The fact that we got results this accurate with a low-quality prototype being manually fed means that when our final design is built it can only do better. Many of the outliers were most certainly because of human error. Despite the inconsistency, we were very happy to see that adding spin to our shots greatly decreased the size of our shot grouping.

Scoring Speaker from the Wing line.

We also assembled our wooden prototype intake and mounted it to some box tube to simulate the middle of our frame, painted our battery mounts and box tube, and finished our test Stage.

When we wired up the intake prototype we noticed that the bottom roller really needed high friction to kick the note up into the rollers above it. To solve this we ordered some CatTongue Gription tape to put around our rollers, which we heard about from other teams’ success stories.

Intake prototype being tested.

Design Updates

Full robot CAD. Crescendo 2024 - 0000 Main > full robor > Ver. 1.27.2024 20:08

Over-the-Bumper Intake Assist:

We are sticking with the drop-down, stay-down design of this mechanism. However we have changed the way we keep it down. We want to avoid the intake riding up over other teams’ bumpers and causing penalty points and talked about using a ratchet or deadbolt to lock the intake in the lower position; however, we feared that that would take too much stress in a head-on collision. We ultimately decided that using springs to pull the mechanism down would be a better option as it would make it less likely to incur penalty points while also being able to absorb the shock of a collision.


Our shooter archetype is the same as it was in our last update—we are still sticking with the split left-right flywheels to add spin and the same front-loading design. However, we have decided to simplify it by putting the Vortexes powering the flywheels in between the left and right pairs of flywheels. We are also altering the feed mechanism to use belts on the top and bottom faces instead of spiky wheels on the sides as testing of the spiky wheels revealed subpar results. Because notes are circular we also figured it would be better to contact them from the top and bottom instead of by their sides. We currently have a jig to test the indexer belt center-to-center distance and we found that a half-inch of compression on the notes was enough to keep them secure. This new design also has the benefit of eliminating the need for a top and bottom plate, saving weight and making construction much simpler. Our shooter V1.0 was held together by nut strips that we discovered were hard to access while building the prototype. Ease of maintenance was a large priority of our redesign. The flywheels and their motors are easily removable by undoing a few bolts and the HDPE side plates have been swapped out for pocketed aluminum ones. Our prototype was inaccurate due to a great deal of vibration and this change should increase rigidity. Overall, we also like the improved packaging and reduced weight of this new design. We plan to laser-cut a prototype out of wood and add it to the robot for testing next week once our 3-inch stealth wheels arrive.

Shooter v2 isometric view. Crescendo 2024 - 0003 Shooter > Shooter> Ver. 1.27.2024 16:49

Shooter v2 diametric view. Crescendo 2024 - 0003 Shooter > Shooter> Ver. 1.27.2024 16:49

— Asa | 3636


Build Week Four


This week has been quite the slog, with little design progress and no new data from testing. We assembled our final shooter prototype as far as we could; our stealth wheels have not been delivered yet and as such our shooter has no flywheels. All of the details on this prototype shooter are identical to the previous post detailing our final shooter design.

Prototype shooter.

Build Progress

This week we finished machining our final intake, electrical panels, the axle for our shooter, and our prototype shooter. While our flywheels have not arrived yet, we have replaced them with swerve wheels to carry on with shooter testing for the time being. On Thursday we mounted our prototype shooter to our complete drivetrain, marking the completion of the alpha stage of our robot. The only two mechanisms we have yet to prototype/fabricate are our over-the-bumper intake assist and our climber.

Electrical side-panel.

Complete drivetrain (shooter prototype not mounted).

Alpha bot v1.

— Asa | 3636


Testing (Finally)

Intake Testing

Starting off build week 6, we have finally assembled our competition robot with our intake and shooter to the point where we are able to commence testing. The note-sensing capability of our intake worked upon first testing. The intake code takes inputs from a beam break sensor and the amp draw of the intake mechanism to detect if a note is in the mechanism and works to catch the note in the intake, automatically stopping each note mid-intaking to be handed off to the shooter.

Intake sensor functioning.

Our prototype OTB intake extension underperformed in three notable areas—it lacked the necessary compression to maintain contact with the notes while vectoring them into our intake, the polycarbonate augurs lacked sufficient grip, and the bottom edges of the side plates blocked notes from contacting the rollers.

OTB prototype vectoring a note.

OTB prototype side view—notes get stuck on the stationary bottom corners of the side plates.

To solve these problems, we redesigned a few features of the mechanism—we reduced the material on the bottom edges of the side plates so they no longer hang below the rollers and plan on adding tension through some mechanical means to keep the intake down.

OTB mechanism side plate redesign. Crescendo 2024 - 0002 Intake > Dead Crossbar > Dead Crossbar > Ver. 2.09.2024 22:47

Shooter Testing

On first activation, our shooter is fully capable of intaking notes and accepting the notes from the intake hand-off.

Prototype shooter intaking a note.

We tried for a while to hit amp shots with our shooter at various angles and concluded it was too unreliable just shooting into the amp while controlling shooter angle and power. We eventually resorted to using a piece of carbon fiber tubing to assist and will affix it to the shooter in a new mechanism.

Amp shot with aid of potential secondary mechanism.

We also wanted to see what our shooter design was capable of when run at max power to see if it was worth keeping on this path. We were able to shoot about ten metres with the shooter at a rather low angle, giving us hope that we will be able to hit long-distance speaker shots once our design is more consistent.

Preliminary shot with full power to determine shooter range.

Once we got our shooter pivot working, the belts began skipping, even with the lower torque of the Neos. We hoped that this problem would not persist and added belt tensioners in our precut holes before going to 2471’s STEMnasium practice field.

Shooter mounting plate belt tensioner holes. Crescendo 2024 - 0003 Shooter > 2.0 > 1/31 00:05

Top view of installed belt tensioners.

When we went to the STEMnasium practice field to test, we were met with two rather striking conclusions: one, that the wooden side plates on our shooter prototype would not be sufficiently rigid to withstand any sort of testing, and two, that the belts on our pivot were not worth pursuing any further. Despite our best efforts at belt tensioning, our pivot continued to skip teeth, slowing down our shooter drastically. With this, we are pivoting radically in our shooter design.

Shooter Redesign

After our shooter failed to perform adequately in testing, we radically shifted the direction of the rest of our build season. We are going to spend build week 7 redesigning, machining, and assembling a proper shooter prototype out of aluminum before continuing testing on the main robot. Our new shooter will be lightened massively and the new pivot will be driven off of a chain. Expect our week seven update to consist of odometry testing plans and subsystem design updates.

Half-pocketed shooter plate.

New shooter partially assembled and attached to the robot.

— Asa | 3636


Build Week Seven

Shooter Redesign

Over the course of this build week, we have redesigned our shooter mechanism to address the issues we noticed in testing last week. Firstly, we have lightened the mechanism significantly by partially-pocketing the side plates, allowing us to remove more material while also keeping the game piece path smooth.

Partially-pocketed side plate. Crescendo 2024 - 0003 Shooter > Vertical Flywheel Shooter > 2/17 14:32

Secondly, we have switched the mechanism driving our shooter pivot from belts and pulleys to chains and sprockets. Conveniently, our belt tensioner holes also work to tension chain as well. This change has also necessitated the addition of a printed chain guard to keep our wires from getting caught and torn out when our shooter pivots.

Pivot and chain guard section view. Crescendo 2024 - 0003 Shooter > Vertical Flywheel Shooter > 2/17 14:32

As we were unable to consistently score amp just by controlling our shooter angle and power, we have added a secondary mechanism onto the shooter to help with this. Our amp mechanism is a carbon fiber tube on two polycarbonate plates that pivots on a hex shaft at the top end of the shooter. This mechanism is intended to function by deflecting notes off of it into the amp.

Amp mechanism cutaway. Crescendo 2024 - 0003 Shooter > Vertical Flywheel Shooter > 2/17 14:32

Extended amp mechanism. Crescendo 2024 - 0003 Shooter > Vertical Flywheel Shooter > 2/17 14:32

We have removed all but the outer four flywheels on our new shooter as the inner sets do not contact the note for the majority of the time it is being propelled.

Shooter front view. Crescendo 2024 - 0003 Shooter > Vertical Flywheel Shooter > 2/17 14:32

This redesign of the shooter has also afforded us a more compact profile; our flywheels and the motors driving them are packaged in a space that is one inch shorter, allowing us to pivot our shooter to a lower angle before reaching the extension limit.

Shooter side profile (stowed position). Crescendo 2024 - 0003 Shooter > Vertical Flywheel Shooter > 2/17 14:32

Shooter positioned to score speaker. Crescendo 2024 - 0003 Shooter > Vertical Flywheel Shooter > 2/17 14:32

Shooter positioned to score amp. Crescendo 2024 - 0003 Shooter > Vertical Flywheel Shooter > 2/17 14:32

Odometry Testing

As we spent all of our time with the main robot this week redesigning and machining our new shooter prototype, our programming subteam made the decision to mount our cameras to our spare swerve drivetrain to test our odometry code with.

Second drivetrain with cameras mounted.

Odometry testing.

Expect a post on our programming this season at some point during the next week.

— Asa | 3636