Week One
-Day Zero
Thanks, Sky View High School’s Team 2811, Storm Bots, for hosting and inviting us to Kickoff this year. It was a lot of fun.
Short Summary
- Game Review
- Brainstorm ideas
- Created a timeline
- Created a need, wants, and luxuries list
After leaving Skyview High School we went to Holgate Library to review the game manual and brainstorm a few ideas that attempted to meet the criteria of our Need, Wants, and Luxuries list. Below are some of the designs we came up with in small groups.
Day 1-2
General Design Outline
After reviewing our different designs, our CAD team has decided to use one arm to manipulate both game pieces. Alongside adding an elevator, which allows us to process algae and score coral at the fourth level. But to intake the coral, we plan on using an over-the-bumper intake that would directly move it into the arm.
Current Design
Main Sketch Geometry
Sketch Geometry for the Whole robot, Reefscape 2025 0000 - Main > Master Sketch > Main version
Intake Geometry
Sketch Geometry for the OTB, Reefscape 2025 0002 - Intake/Indexer > OUAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH > Main version
Elevator geometry
Sketch Geometry for the Elevator, Reefscape 2025 0004 - Elevator > Master Sketch > Main version
Final Drivetrain
Reefscape 2025- 0001-DriveTrain > Drivetrain > Main version
What we Prototyped this week
Algee Manipulator
Testing to our Moddified Algee Manipulator to see if it would work with Coral
While we were testing our algae malleable we found that thanks to the manipulator of the ball, we were able to intake the algae pretty consistently at any angle with quite a bit of pinch. However, this comes with the risk of ripping a role in the ball, so we plan on being cautious when testing our intake. Additionally, after a few more tests we found compliant wheels to be particularly effective at holding coral in place alongside a center distance of about 14.8 centimeters between wheels.
-Anders | 3636