Team 3737 is pleased to publish the CAD for our 2024 robot SYNTHWAVE
Note that two CAD links are provided, one for the robot assembly and one for the electrical board assembly.
Robot CAD:
Electrical board CAD:
Our 2024 robot Synthwave for the Crescendo game was capable of all elements of the game except the trap.
Some of the mechanical design highlights are as follows:
Absolute encoders on our compact 3D printed swerve drives
Our fastest robot
3D printed suspension treads
Robust – no breakages (except when a robot arm came down on our breaker box cover and broke it)
No mechanisms outside the chassis perimeter
Under 14.5” tall in starting configuration – permitting maximum speed with no tipover.
Through robot game piece handling
Under bumper game piece intake
Single hook for most reliable climbing
Articulated & sprung hook to eliminate any moment on the arm while hanging on the chain
Special hook profile to prevent slipping
Lift arm elevated by cannon, reducing motor requirements.
Compact needle roller bearings held by 3D prints for lift arm extension
Clamshell style 3D printed cable management for quick changes or additions.
Strong torsion springs for cannon rotation assist
Sprung loaded intake roller assembly raises up for greater ground clearance when not intaking notes.
Dual belts for note manipulation
Two servo operated locks prevent post-match drop (and missing the climb)
Two screws total for bumper removal.
This year we moved from LabView to Java. A Github link to the code is below:
Contribute to InfernoJager/2024-Season-Code-Overhaul development by creating an account on GitHub.
As always, questions and comments are welcome.
December 16, 2024, 9:50pm
I love the decision to have the dual RSLs, also the electrical board is great!
What can I say? I’m a slave to symmetry!
Thanks for your comments.
BTW, the CAD for the electrical board was completed in it’s entirety by a female student (who also happened to be our team captain).
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BTW, if you are interested in just the 3D printed swerve drive, use this link:
After two years of testing and development, team 3737 is pleased to release our latest 3D printed swerve drive. Our goal was to enable us (and any team) to manufacture a relatively low cost but competition capable swerve drive using a quality FDM 3D printer. To this end, we have provided with the CAD model, step-by-step assembly instructions, full BOM, complete print settings and a speed calculator for various gearing and drive motors. The swerve assembly is designed to bolt to the unde…
And if you are interested in the 3D printed suspension treads, use this link:
In conjunction with out just-released 3D printed swerve drive, team 3737 is pleased to release the CAD * for our fully 3D printed, TPU suspension tread wheel. This wheel is fully interchangeable with the ‘standard’ 4” diameter x 1.5” wide wheel.
stp and 3mf files.
Another team (88) has developed a great suspension tread but it is only suitable for printing on an SLS printer. SLS printers are far less common than FDM printers. Our goal was to not only print …