Here is a peak of our robot " Aluminaut ".
This is our third year in FRC and it was time to step it up and show what some of us islanders have come up with.
Chassis –
31” x 24” Frame – 119 lbs.
58” tall tower system covered with thick Lexan.
Four CIM drive on four Toughbox Mini setup at 12.75:1 ratio running belt drive to 8” Mecanum wheels.
Arm –
Holds 4 discs in linear format.
Rear loading from feeder station with front loading from the floor.
Two (2) Denso window motors driving 4:1 ratio chain drive to 48” arm. Optical encoded for use with camera for targeting and preset shooting. Combined with mechanical and limit switches to insure size compliance.
Strain reduction via latex tubing.
Floor Pickup –
Fold out aluminum system that tucks the intake roller under the bumper for additional conveyor protection.
One (1) AndyMark motor with VersaPlanetary gearbox driving passively deployed self adjusting PVC pickup system with rubber tubing.
Shooter System –
One (1) Bag motor driving an Andy Mark 8” pneumatic wheel at 1:1 ratio.
One (1) AndyMark motor with VersaPlanetary gearbox driving a latex tubing conveyor system.
**Hanger **–
Passive 10 point hang system integrated into the tower frame.
Electrical –
Gyroscope and accelerometer paired with gearbox encoders for autonomous use.
Limit switches and encoder paired with a camera system for accurate disc pickup and target shooting
Aluminaut Basics:
Quick drive train with holonomic capabilites.
58” tall 1/8 in thick Lexan covered tower for passive blocking system.
(A great place to put our sponsor sticker and keeps the electronics safe too!)
Variable shooting levels able to hit all goal heights.
Adjustable shooting arm can be used to feed other robots if needed.
Autonomous shooting of 3 discs in high goal from the outside edge of the pyramid and gather discs from either the centerline or between the pyramid and goals and shoot.
Shooter is about 58 inches off the floor for the pyramid based high goal autonomous shot and up to 74 for the wall shot. This allows us to shoot over alliances and blockers.
Able to wall shoot all the goals, part of autonomous gather too. As well as close shooting the pyramid goal.
(Shot is only a few feet – High Percentage Shooting!)
Top feeder station, rear fed disc loader for easy loading with quick and logical departure.
Able to score the pyramid in the last 30 seconds of the game.
Quick passive 10 point hang to allow us to keep scoring right up to the end.
Sorry the video is an earlier taping. We had to use the library for testing on carpet and the pyramid would not fit.
So no hang nor pyramid shooting to view.
Nice looking bot Tiki Tech! Sorry we won’t get to see you it action at the Hawaii Regional. Looks like you took Waiakea’s approach from last year and adapted it for Frisbees. We thought about doing that too, but took another path.
Couple of comments…In the video it didn’t look like you had the 60 degree chute behind the feeder slot. Not sure if you planned for that in your design. Looks like your feeder station loading might be sensitive to the angle that the disc drops from. Also, in your summary you say that you’re able to shoot pyramid goals in the last 30 seconds. Why wait until the end? Go for those right after autonomous. We’re a tall shooter too and that’s what we plan to do.
Correct! The shim (aka ramp) that the student built in feeder had a poor transition and caused the disc to either hang or pop up.
They ended up tossing them in by hand which caused some delays in fulling loading.
Moving the prop from the auto shop into the library might not of helped keep it together either. We expected this.
Not a problem, as the entire diverter assembly is adjustable and will be tuned up at the venue.
The miss load in video actually worked out as a great way to showcase the intake.
Though I suspect we will be collecting at the scoring end more than the feeding station.
Score the pyramid right away. I agree!!
Must of been thinking of the end game while I was typing.
Not sure why I put that in. I think I need rest, go figure…
We shall see how many colored discs will be left for us with all the excellent climbing dump bots.
Yes we fit within the 54" cylinder. The arm pivot point is not at the end and is set 8 inches in from the back. At our maximum we are under 53" including the rear feed Lexan loader. Ah the Hawaii regional, well we did register but I have a feeling that after paying for the two CA regionals and Vex world championships we might not of made the payment on time for the Hawaii regional. We have had been working hard with fundraisers almost every month since the beginning of the school year. Our plan was to do three regionals, our biggest year to date and tried to be on top of funding. We have our first robotics meeting since stop build day. I will check with Justin this afternoon as finances is his kuliana… I sure hope we can, thanks for asking though. We still haven’t heard about shipping to LA so our robot sits in a crate silently waiting for attention. Good Robot!
Good luck to you this season, I hope we get there and can be an alliance…
I just got confirmation that we WILL be attending the Hawaii regional. All the possible issues have been resolved that I am aware of. Of course more will certainly arise. This will be the longest FRC season for us ever. We will be at two mainland and one island regional this year. I sure hope the robot survives all the travel. Heck I hope I survive it. Look for us at Los Angeles, Inland Empire and Hawaii Regional!