FRC Team 8810 | 2023 Build Thread

Team 8810 is excited to be the first team from China to join the #openalliance for 2023!

Team 8810 The Alphabots is attached to Suzhou Foreign Language School in Jiangsu, China. The school has been participate in FIRST Robotics Competition since 2016, and 8810 is our second team number.

In the 2023 build season, we will follow the Open Alliance standards and update at least once a week to share our process. We plan to share the final robot CAD after our week5 event but we may also share the CAD of prototypes once we finished them.


Update 1

1.1 Game analysis & Design goals

Game Priorities:

  • Engaged charge station during autonomous
  • Double substation cone & cube intake
  • Score on top row
  • Score on mid row
  • Engaged charge station during endgame

Robot Design goals:

  • Score cone and cube on any row
  • Pick up game pieces at double substation
  • Ground intake cubes
  • Engage charge station by itself or with another robot

Optional functions:

  • Ground intake cones
  • Engage charge station with another two robots

After two weeks of discussions, game simulations and studying from other teams’ works, we came up with several conclusions. For the game itself, it will be easy for most teams to achieve scoring on any row and to engage charge station. However for an estimated cycle time of 15-20 seconds it will be very hard to score all the goals in an average match. So increasing cycles and route efficiency will be the key of the game. To increase the cycle speed, we would like to build a lightweight robot to have a higher max speed and acceleration. Automatic pick up from substation and scoring will also be critical to save time.

The reason we put ground intake cubes as one of our original design goal is because it is relatively easy to achieve for intake design and increase auto points since we can choose which game pieces to be placed on the field. It may also help us achieve some shorter cycles if there is still cubes left on the ground at the beginning if teleop. With the recent release of the everybot intake however, we may consider to add ground cone intake to be more competitive.


0.1 Pre-Season Swerve

SJTU MK5F, Flipped Motor, Swerve Module

The SJTU MK5F is the sixth generation of the SJTU Swerve family. Designed in late 2021 as a flipped version of the SJTU MK5, the MK5F modules was first tested by team 8810 on the 2022 offseason robot and had a stable performance on the field.

Beta test module in June, 2022

2022 offseason robot chassis

The module has been upgraded to fix minor design and production flaws after testing in offseason and will be served on several robots in the region for 2023 season.


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