FRC Toolchain 2016 on Manjaro (Arch) Linux

I can’t seem to get the FRC Toolchain working on my Linux computer. When I try to compile a small test program, like so:

arm-frc-linux-gnueabi-g++ -std=c++14 Robot.cpp

I get a set of errors like “/tmp/ccvh58IH.o:Robot.cpp:function .LTHUNK10: error: undefined reference to ‘vtable for RobotDrive’”. This is repeated for just about each WPILib class I used, such as SampleRobot, Joystick, RobotBase, etc.

Is the linker just not finding the right library files? I’ve checked, and the files do exist in “/usr/arm-frc-linux-gnueabi/lib”. I’ve also tried using:

arm-frc-linux-gnueabi-g++ -std=c++14 Robot.cpp -I /usr/arm-frc-linux-gnueabi/include/ -L /usr/arm-frc-linux-gnueabi/lib/

That returns the same errors.

Any ideas what I’m doing wrong, or how I can fix this?

It looks like you’re not compiling with wpilib. Make sure you link against the wpilib library, which you get by installing the plugins.

You’ll probably need to specify -lwpilib

Heh… whoops. I realized what my problem was shortly after posting this (what I actually need is “-lwpi”) but didn’t have time until now to reply. Thanks for the help, though! :smiley: