We’re having trouble locating the library housing the functions related the camera. We have included nivision.h, but we need nivision.a according to the pdf spec.
Are you sure what you need isn’t located in the vision folder in WPILib?
We found a .pdf documenting how to use the camera, primarily how to stream images to the netbook. It uses functions like frcStartImageAcquisition() and frcStartPCVideoServer().
The AxisCamera.h in WPILib.h doesn’t have anything to do with streaming images, so what is the header file that does?
To start streaming video to the classmate all you have to do is get an instance of the AxisCamera object. If you look at the implementation of AxisCamera::GetInstance() and trace the functions it calls you will see it automatically sets up a pc video server object and starts it up. Assuming you had a class named LogoVision that inherited from SimpleRobot the following code would be enough to start streaming video to your classmate once you entered autonomous mode. The api’s you mentioned are at a lower level than you need to be at.
void LogoVision::Autonomous()
AxisCamera& camera = AxisCamera::GetInstance();