FRC WPILib Java Youtube Programming Tutorials

Hi everyone,

I recently created a 3 part video tutorial series on YouTube last summer.

Episode 1: Gentle Introduction & Installation
Episode 2: Drivetrain & Tele-op Joystick Control
Episode 3: Autonomous Trajectory & Path Planning

This series is intended to go over the very basics of WPILib 2022 (most things should stay the same for 2023) and how to use the command-based robot framework to get a basic tank drive robot driving in tele-op and following paths autonomously.

I hope this will be helpful for teams that have no programming mentors since I was in the same boat last season. It was tough to start with programming since I was not sure where to start or what questions to ask; I hope these tutorials can make FRC programming seem less daunting. I know the tutorials are not perfect, so please leave constructive feedback below.

You can view the playlist here.

Thanks again!

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This is fantastic, thank you so much!

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Thank you!

I scanned through them, well done and explained! The only note, that possibly you’ll want to include in a description/pinned comment, is that the recommended method of writing commands changed for 2023 from subclassing commands to inline commands. You can see what that looks like on the docs: Organizing Command-Based Robot Projects — FIRST Robotics Competition documentation

All in all though, that is just fancy syntax for the same stuff you explained.

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