FRC3548, Royal Oak Ravens present this years competition robot for the Waterford District Event. The changes introduced
during Week 0, only colored discs thrown during last 30 seconds, negatively impacted our design concept of scooping up
discs thrown by human players near the 1 point goal.
Chassis KOP 2013 KOP long version, AM Cimple, 15T output gear
6WD Chain Chain driven, 26 tooth driver sprockets
Wheel Size 8 inches, 26 & 30 tooth driven sprockets
Wheel Type Front OMNI, AM performance aluminum wheels
Shovel Arm Andy Mark PG-188 Motor , 16 in wide, 10 in long
Hopper style Pneumatic, 6 inch, 1-1/2 cylinder, 20 psi
18 inches long, 15 inches wide, 4.5 inches high
Climber style Pneumatic, dual - 6 inch, 1-1/2 cylinders, 200 lbs
Scouting Notes:
Auton is capable of scoring 2 frisbees in 1 pt goal (4 pts)
Teleop is capable of picking up multiple frisbees (3) in any orientation
Fast Frisbee floor pickup and easy manual player station loading
Motto: 100% of 4-1 points (4) equals 50% of 2- 2 points (4)