[frcbrackets.com] Predict outcomes of the 2022 Championship. Compete for 1st on the leaderboard!

Introducing https://frcbrackets.com

Predict outcomes of the 2022 FIRST Robotics Competition Championship

Compete for 1st on the global leaderboard, or the individual division and Einstein leaderboards


Note: try https://frcbrackets-99b0.fly.dev if the domain above doesn’t resolve.

The scoring breakdown is on the home page of the website. Create an account to submit your predictions for each division and Einstein. Predictions will lock 8 AM Thu, April 21. Your username will appear on the leaderboards. Your predictions will be visible to other users only after the conclusion of the event. Your email address is used to verify your account and is never shared.

The website should work reasonably well on mobile, but it is most well-suited for larger screens.

I’ve been rushing to get this app completed over the last week — please report (comment here or PM me) any bugs or issues you run into. Any and all feedback is appreciated!

Powered by The Blue Alliance , SykesScoutingDatabase (@Caleb_Sykes), and divisions.co (@forbes).

The app is written in TypeScript using the fairly new Remix framework and will be open-sourced soon.


This is pretty nifty. Would be cool to expand this to all events.


This looks awesome! Looking forward to seeing the results this week!




Next year and/or offseason! Season long leaderboard? Could be fun.

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Unfortunately, the email verification has been flaky. I’ve manually verified all accounts where the email didn’t send, added a “resend code” button, and switched out the email sending setup. So if you signed up and never got an email, your account has since been verified — apologies for the issue.

~50 unique users with at least one prediction, ~230 individual predictions so far! Last full day to submit predictions. Prioritize this over loading in at Houston, obviously /s

This is awesome, great job. It would be great if you could somehow see your division winning picks on the Einstein page, because switching back and forth on the tabs erases predictions you have already selected.

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Thanks! That’s a good point. I decided against doing this because I wanted to make it clear that your selections for individual divisions do not have an impact on Einstein scoring. I think you’re right though… Showing those selections would make reasoning about Einstein easier and feel more tailored.

I’m getting an issue with the site on Chrome where the site flashes with CSS for a moment, then displays without CSS. Anyone else experiencing a similar issue or have an idea on how to fix it?

The concept looks really cool and I look forward to submitting.


Fantasy FIRST over on discord is this exact concept (:


With 10.5 hours left to submit, we’re sitting at 80 users with at least one division or Einstein prediction and 52 full predictions! Thanks everyone for submitting — time to watch some matches.

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Im getting an error while creating an account

Error: Unexpected Server Error
at handleDataRequest (/myapp/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/server.js:156:31)
at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at requestHandler (/myapp/node_modules/@remix-run/server-runtime/server.js:34:18)
at /myapp/node_modules/@remix-run/express/server.js:41:22This text will be hidden
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This issue has been resolved. Thanks for reporting. Hit the free email limit :sweat_smile:

Are the leaderboards going to be updated now that all quals are over?

I was hoping to get live updating implemented, but it didn’t happen. Busy at the competition so results will come in tomorrow.


Yeah, I was just checking if there would be live updates. Good luck at the competition, and I could definitely see you guys winning it all this year!


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