Every Friday, there is a few of us on Twitter that do something we previously called #FIRSTFriday. You take a picture of yourself with a FIRST related shirt (FRC, FLL, FTC, ANYTHING), post a TwitPic link, and add the hashtag #FIRSTFriday. We’ve changed #FIRSTFriday to #FRCFriday (because it’s shorter, and there are less people using that hashtag), but it’s still any FIRST related shirt. We’d like to have more people doing this with us.
Every Friday, if you’d like to join in on the fun, take a picture of you/your FIRST related shirt for that Friday, and add the hashtag #FRCFriday! If you don’t have a Twitter, it’s a great was to meet some people from other teams and spread ideas with your other friends in FIRST. I can’t wait to see everyone that joins in!
Great idea Zach, sounds like it is going to be fun.
Couple ideas to toss out there…
How about things other than shirts? Buttons, hats, other team icons?
How about posting a portion of a team’s item and see if people can guess what it is and which team it belongs to?
FRCFriday trivia question, post a trivia question and have people guess the answer.
I like your original concept so maybe the other ideas become another hashtag.