Hey everyone! We’re really sorry to have to postpone the show, but this week’s show has been moved to tomorrow (3/28) at 9pm! Traveling to Buckeye has taken longer than expected. Sorry!
We’ll see ya then!
Works for me!
Better at 9 tomorrow than 11 tonight! Thanks
Hey, I didn’t know you guys were coming to Buckeye. Stop by the pit admin area and say hi. I’ll be the black guy next to the microphone.
Sadly that means I’ll miss this week’s Top25.
Me mer ma moo.
Did you fall into a Northeast Ohio pothole on the way to Cleveland?
Going live in just 10mins! Join us!
Don’t forget to send in your questions via twitter, @mikeandjustin or gmail [email protected]!!
For anyone who missed it, the rankings were:
- 1503
- 2826
- 2054
- 624
- 126
- 868
- 225
- 111
- 341
- 1310
- 125
- 11
- 2590
- 1718
- 469
- 359
- 254
- 148
- 33
- 987
- 118
- 610
- 1986
- 2056
- 1114
5: Pepsi
4: Coke
3: Root Beer
Tied for 1st: Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew
These are the actual important stats.
I think brand of root beer is also really important in these scenarios.
Once again, Coke trumps Pepsi!
Unless we’re talking about Throwback…
Texas truly won the beverage war though.
ahhhh, I see the two evil twins making the top 10 with exclusive feeder only bots that only climb for 10. (Havent really used our floor feeder feature…yet).
The recording of this weeks show is available here, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP4wKEsA2-4
We tired a new recording set up this week so if anyone has any problems with it please let us know.