FRCTop25 Popularity Poll Results!

Just wondering, where did 359 end up?

Is there any chance that all of the data could be posted somewhere such as team rank and potentially even how many votes they got would be available for us to look at?

Did 5414 get any votes? In other words, have I had any luck convincing my own team members to participate in or watch things like this?

FRC359 54th

FRC1024 T132nd
FRC1501 T408th
FRC868 T637th
FRC234 131st
FRC45 T194th
FRC3940 T522nd

FRC5414 T300th

No, we made this decision so people do not rig the vote more than people already try to (referring more during regular season). I will say that we have some changes in store that will reflect objective data in the 2018 season and that will be made public.

Curious to see where 6220, 5680, 6628, 2011, 326, 859, 6464, 3082, 3024, and 3622 ended up

Who was ranked 973rd?

On that note, what about 747, 360, 5859, 1538, 5188, 6758, 900, 4008, 3071, 1786, 4476, 2883, 4063, 5437, and 2067?

…sorry Tyler :stuck_out_tongue:

unless you mean 2486, or 2648, or 2846, or any of the other combinations of even integer teams that always trip me up.

There were 797 unique teams so let’s say that FRC -1.

FRC6220 T176
FRC5680 T502
FRC6628 T480
FRC2011 NR
FRC326 T103
FRC6464 T522
FRC3024 T325
FRC3622 T388

It’s my pleasure to fill these out. Part of the responsibility since we do not post the entire poll.

FRC747 72nd
FRC360 T287
FRC5859 NR
FRC1538 55th
FRC5188 NR
FRC6758 NR
FRC900 T60
FRC4008 NR (hey they are back though for 2018)
FRC3071 NR
FRC1786 NR
FRC4476 T333
FRC2883 T637
FRC4063 T437
FRC5437 T132
FRC2067 NR

We “Appreciate” the votes and support.

/thread :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Forgot to post the YouTube video on here:

Think 64 got missed–where’d they land?

Also, and this could get me in a lot of trouble: For old team numbers, how does it change things if votes for those are counted to their current/most recent number?

  1. FRC64 T197 whoooo

  2. Beats me

Curious where 3256 ended up

FRC3256 T408

Any chance 6329 made the cut?

FRC6329 T333


FRC323 66th Not bad for a win-less regular season :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course I want to know how 829 did but more importantly how did the charity do?