FRCTop25 Voting Open Through Monday 8pm Eastern

The FRCTop25 Poll is back for another season! Come and cast your vote on who you feel the top teams in FIRST were for week 1!

You have vote for 15-25 teams. Please remember that a team has to have competed in week 1 and no duplicates or your submission may be thrown out.

We will only have an expert poll for the Final FRCTop25 this year so it is all on you to get the teams you feel should be in the top spots up there.

Voting for Week 1 is Located Here:

Make sure you tune in to FUN Recap with the FRCTop25 on Tuesday starting at 8:30pm Eastern to see if the teams you voted for made it to the top.


If you don’t vote for 5687, you weren’t paying attention.

They were third on my list.

Any video of them?

Maybe i prefer to show love to PNW. Just because they did well doesn’t mean that I wasn’t paying attention when they don’t go on my list.





283 got 4 rotors started in an Elims against the #1 seed. The impressive part is their alliance captain played defense the entire playoffs so 283 carried their weight and delivered 8 gears that match. The rest of Elims 283 consistently delivered 7-8 gears in Teleop alone. I dont know why there are not any videos of them.

Granite State District Finals match 3.

That answers that - 2084 was placing some solid D on them and they still managed. Looking forward to seeing them up close at MABOS! Teams are shifting their bots to emulate them as we speak…

Here is 283’s 4 rotor match. Not much defense played against them but got all 4 rotors turning while the alliance captain got lost behind the red airship trying to play defense.

If 5687 doesn’t get #1, it will be the biggest farce since 341 was robbed of #1 after the first week of 2012.
