Freaky Error

Not sure why our robot is doing this, but we push the joystick full forward and then full back it gives us a programming error and at one point read 8.3 something volts on the OI. We have tried changing the joysticks, reversing the motor polarities, and then we went down to the most baisic code in EasyC (the compiler were using since I’m lazy and I’m the only programmer) for driving in arcade style of Arcade 2 Motor style. We are still getting the error, so we tried calibrating the victors, that didn’t work. We tried change the jumper from coast to brake, and in brake it well breaks faster. One thing we were talking about is whether or not the arcade drive function ramps up the speed depending on where the joystick is and if not how to implement it.

I am of course using EasyC, though I could go to the Microlab compiler I just don’t want since again I’m kind of lazy and have to train someone who has no real C experience since I am a senior this year and will not be here next year.

Did you try a fresh battery?

There was a problem with the IFI code 2 years ago which caused the battery voltage to show 8.2 or 8.3 volts. It required new libraries and a new linker file. You can read about it here:

I have no idea if easyC implemented those changes or not.

You will also see wierd things if the battery is low and the backup battery is not attached.

I think the battery was the problem, we put the battery on medium charge speed and it said it was fully charged so we assumed. We put it on the charger after trying the second battery and the charger said it was empty. So batteries are charging and we will test tomorrow.