
This picture says it all.


I saw that pic of the firefighters in my local paper too and immediately thought the exact same thing.

…I was thinking about all of the images that we’ve all seen over and over again from this tragedy. I was thinking yesterday…you just know that a Pulitzer is going to be given for at least one of the pics from all this. I don’t know where to find it, but there is a picture of a man jumping from one of the towers that will probably win it. The imagine captures so well (both techinically and physically) the intenstiy and the horror and the despair or the whole thing.

*Originally posted by littlefish180 *
**…I was thinking about all of the images that we’ve all seen over and over again from this tragedy. I was thinking yesterday…you just know that a Pulitzer is going to be given for at least one of the pics from all this. I don’t know where to find it, but there is a picture of a man jumping from one of the towers that will probably win it. The imagine captures so well (both techinically and physically) the intenstiy and the horror and the despair or the whole thing. **

My personal opinion is that the following picture should win (also found at If you have a chance, check out some of Time’s photoessay’s they’re very very good.
