I’m one of the moderators that approves them, and I’ve seen a rash of people uploading the same photo twice. Yes, we got it.
(And while I have your attention, please tag your photos correctly . Your team number or “team(yournumber)” is not the answer.)
Edit: And if you want something to do now that Chairman’s is submitted and your team is snowed out of the school, how about tagging untagged photos or voting on them?
February 9, 2017, 10:02am
I uploaded my WAI yesterday, with the tag whoami , as suggested in your post linked above. When it cleared moderation, I noticed that the tag was “Who Am I?”. Is this something you had to change manually? If so, you may want to provide an update to the old post.
I uploaded my WAI yesterday, with the tag whoami , as suggested in your post linked above. When it cleared moderation, I noticed that the tag was “Who Am I?”. Is this something you had to change manually? If so, you may want to provide an update to the old post.
“whoami” and “Who am I?” show the same. Just like “indianaroboticsinvitational” and “Indiana Robotics Invitational” are the same.
(Capitalization and spacing are determined by the first time it was tagged, so if it was a recent event you may want to sweat that more.)