Hello everybody! I hope everyone is enjoying their 2011 season!
This year Frog Force has been hard at work creating a specialized website to help our new team members and teams across the FIRST community learn and share information about specific terms/phrases used throughout FIRST events.
Here teams can search up a term like “Alliance Selection” and find out what exactly that means within the FIRST community.
We are very excited to get some feedback from the Chief Delphi community and hope that you guys will create Froggypedia accounts and add/edit terms/phrases on our website.
Thank you so much!
"The idea came from a few of our freshmen students who didn’t know what elimination rounds were, or what riveting was. So we built a site where they could ask for specific words or phrases specific to FIRST that could be answered by our senior frogs.
So if a team member would refer to a team being in the FIRST Hall of Fame, there would be a place to figure out what that meant exactly- information that cannot necessarily be found on the FIRSTWiki."
I guess I should have explained it better in my first post. Frog Force is well aware of the FIRST Wiki and find it a very good resource to learn FIRST robotics.
However, the key difference with Froggypedia is the kind of phrases and terms we are trying to define. Yes, if you go on the site now you will see many terms that students would be better enriched had they used the FIRST Wiki, but the only reason why those words are there are so Froggypedia can have a large word bank to guide users to the information if that was what they were looking for.
The idea came from a few of our freshmen students who didn’t know what elimination rounds were, or what riveting was. So we built a site where they could ask for specific words or phrases specific to FIRST that could be answered by our senior frogs.
So if a team member would refer to a team being in the FIRST Hall of Fame, there would be a place to figure out what that meant exactly- information that cannot necessarily be found on the FIRSTWiki.
For information that CAN be found on the FIRSTWiki, like a CIM motor, we hoped for definitions that were more personal to the FRC aspect of how to apply a CIM motor for specific uses of the robot and to even give a website (possibly FIRSTWiki) to guide students to learn more about CIM motors to a site better suited to give that information.
Our team members has found the site very helpful in learning about terms that was foreign to them before, but now have a better understanding.
We fixed the scrolling issue by disabling all the fancy effects. If you have any other problems with the site, please post them along with your browser name and version.
your “what is this” link at the top goes to a page with only the word “definition”, might want to fix that. Good concept, just so long as you get enough people to answer questions! Go Frog Force!
Yeah, noticed that we left that blank… lol, thanks by the way! I believe all the scrolling problems are fixed. If there are any set of terms or anything that YOU dident quite understand throughout your first year in FRC, let us know. It will be greatly appreciated.