FTC 23513 I.N.T Robotics 2024 Build Thread

Welcome to the 23513 I.N.T. Robotics Open Alliance build thread for the 2024 season! We’re excited to share our journey as a team in our second year and our first as a member of The FTC Open Alliance. Our goal with this thread is to document our progress, offer insights that could benefit your team, and hopefully inspire people.

FTC 23513 is a community team based in New York City, organized by ourFiscally Sponsored 501(c)(3) nonprofit I.N.T. Robotics. Our team includes 10 students from 4 of the 5 boroughs of NYC, representing 6 different schools. We’re supported by 9 dedicated mentors with diverse expertise in both technical and business areas.

This season, we’ll be competing at the New York City Qualifiers and hosting a RI2D (Robot in 2 Days) event at the NYC FIRST STEM Center that will be live streamed. We intend to keep high level strategy in mind when designing our robot and aim to have a good performance early on with our software. We hope that by participating in Open Alliance we can spread the knowledge around our local community in NYC and further beyond.

We’re planning to meet in person for around 30 hours per week and have a consistent work ethic. Not only will we be more prototype oriented this year, we will have routine progress checks of our prototypes on our socials.

We will update this thread on a weekly basis prioritizing centralized updates packed with info all at once rather than a few crumbs at a time. We feel like we have the ability to get a lot of cool stuff done this year and it would be a pleasure to have you all as a witness to our journey. As the season starts we will always be available to answer any questions or curiosities you may have about either the team or robot.

Team Links-


Kick Off is here!

Watch our livestream here we are live at the NYC First Stem Center participating in Ri30h with other 4 other teams from nyc. We will provide an update to the thread towards the tail end of the night once we’ve sorted more documentation of our prototypes and ideas.


Kickoff Update

Alongside a few other teams we gathered for kickoff at the NYC First stem center at noon and immediately began brainstorming after the reveal. Our primary goal was to have as many prototypes going on as possible but not just for the sake of ri30h but rather having late season competitiveness in mind. We split off into several 1-3 man cells each working on their own prototype or concept.

Prototypes- Quad Claw

The concept of this quad claw is to be able to dig down into the triangle indent of the sample and clamp outwards like so as it has the natural tendency to realign itself. Once its up in the air we can grip onto the whole sample with another external gripper as to safely and steadily transport it. Coupled with a downwards facing color sensor, you could significantly reduce cycle times and wasted movements.

Roller Claw

Basically the entire claw design was created with space in mind so the final dimensions of the entire thing (excluding the serve poking out) would be 1.75 x 2.165 x 3. This design is supposed to include both a roller and a claw where the roller is able to kick the game piece up into the claw so that the mechanism is able to hold onto it firmly while also allowing for intaking from every direction. The claw opens and closes with two meshed gears and the roller is supposed to be run by two pulleys that have a 1:4 ratio

Carbon Fiber Arm

This is one of the ideas for an arm mechanism which is simply comprised of unfurling a big spool of carbon fiber that we originally were gonna use for frc last year :sob: . This was cadded and machines by the students overnight and served as a proof of concept, we like it because of how sturdy and lightweight it is while being able to support a load as heavy as a hammer.

Dual Joint Arm

This arm is inspired by team 971 Spartans 2023
robot and we really like it due to how unique it is and how high its potential is. Using inverse kinematics we can sent both joints of the arm to precise coordinates on a specified plane under custom paramaters and achieve some crazy results. So far a badly tuned pid shows that this arm can get the job done pretty well so we have high hopes for a fully motion profiled arm control algorithm.

Climber In a Box Arm

We used the Thrifty Bot extrusion kit from FRC to prototype a telescoping arm tailored to our goals. We customized the design to incorporate string, similar to traditional FTC mitsumi slides, instead of the rope provided with the kit. The idea is to create a multifunctional mechanism that can serve both as a manipulator and a climber. This design was inspired by KookyBotz CenterStage bot and FRC Team 3015 Ranger Robotics 2023 bot.

One of our proudest accomplishments from these sleepless 30 hours is the pathway we’ve laid out for ourselves with vision. The first thing that was worked on was a stable relocalization method that given a detected april tag could return our robots pose relative to the field. This wasn’t without its challenges as while I was implementing this method the apriltaglibrary for the 2025 season wasnt out yet so I had to create our own library that reflected the stem centers field. FInding the XYZ coordinates of each tag is easy enough but the quaternions? Not a fun set of calculations to do at 2 am. We essentially had to reverse engineer the wxyz values of the quaternions for the centerstage tags to find the original frame of reference the sdk uses.

With the help of an amazing teacher we ended up creating a set of references and learning a bunch about how ftc handles tag definitions and metadata. As shown by this video without any odometry we get a localized pose accurate up to ± 0.5 inches.

Camera On a Servo
Much to my despair, there were no tags on any of the field elements besides the boundary line so I continued down the rabbit hole of looks at tags to relocalize. One of the things my team figured would help is having a camera on a servo that would allow it an adjustable cone of vision.

Using this extra degree of freedom we made it so that not only can the camera track a visible tag but it can recognize when theres a closer tag and snap to that one as shown here. (Last feature is still WiP as we need to reference our robot pose from our odometers to know where the closest valid tag is).

We had a blast pulling this all nighter challenge and I think we set ourselves up very nicely for the rest of the reason. We will continue to update routinely as we achieve new milestones, Cya!


I really like the claw design. Do you think it’ll be as quick as an active intake? Any plans for a color sensor?

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I think it can be made as quick as an active intake as there’s no worry about accidentally manipulating adjacent samples in the middle. We’re gonna put a color sensor on this and see what’s the delay between sample detection and servo actuation in the code

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Thanks! Would be awesome to see it in action if/when you guys prototype it.


I’m excited to see what happens with the double-jointed arm. I haven’t seen that sort of design in FTC but I am quite new to FTC so I’m not sure. But I’m looking forward to seeing it when it’s done and put on a chassis.

Week 2 Update!

Kick off week is officially over and we’ve built a really strong foundation for our mechanisms and have begun to play around with some fun new things.


While still keeping the climber in a box and the double jointed arm idea in the back of our heads, we’ve decided to blaze forward with this cool carbon fiber spool idea. With just some rudimentary code we were able to verify the speed of both the pivot and extension capabilities of this arm here. We’ve determined this to be very satisfactory and we are now working on a clamp system for the end of the tube so we can attach our claw mechanism there.

Speaking of claws, we’ve had some breakthroughs here and some failures there so let’s talk about it. The quad claw idea was my favorite but unfortunately after mocking up a prototype we discovered there’s too much friction between the sample and the floor tiles to have it rotate and auto align with the two inner pincers. What we’re now looking towards is a spring loaded passive roller claw. I say passive because there’s no actuation for it to open or close, only servos spinning the sample shaped rollers. As we take in a sample the spring will stretch to accept in and the way we deposit is simply by reversing the rollers (this also works for specimen delivery). Video can be found here.

I personally had a field day with software this week and there’s a lot I’m setting out to achieve with this. The first thing I wanted to establish was a framework for at least a level one autonomous (defined as delivering a preloaded specimen and scoring 1-3 of the 3 closest samples). I purposefully did a very lazy and rushed 20ish minute tuning session because I want to prove a point that once you integrate apriltag field localization then you no longer need to spend 20 hours tuning your robot till perfection just for the perfect routine. At least for a team of my size, that time is precious and needs to be spent on other things I fear. With all that said, it doesnt turn out too bad as shown here.

I got my hands on the new limelight 3A and I was hit with a wave of nostalgia from my freshman year working on frc. I really like how far the camera has come hardware and software wise. The first thing I played around with was a color detection pipeline and it worked pretty flawless right out the box with minimal tuning.

Sorry for the horrible quality but you get the idea :sob: the bounding rectangle it draws around the detected sample is beautiful and I can definitely see in game uses for this.

After that I moved on to seeing how well it could handle apriltags and they have some pretty nice features packaged in. I was moreso interested in its 3D detection capabilities since thats something that the ftc sdk doesnt touch on as much.

This was just the pretext for what I really came for which was the 3D field localization and its sleuth of supported options, such as mapping robot pose vs. field coords.

This is really nice because it essentially provided a visualizer for the tag pose to field coordinate transformations I made during ri30h. I am looking forward to using megaTag2 with the imu when the camera is actually on the robot but for now I have my doubts about tracking apriltags with a limelight. The FOV is narrow for my tastes and honestly pales in comparison to that of the arducam I’ve been using (That 90 fps 100FOV B&W imaging really been doing me wonders) so thats to be tested.

All in all everything is proceeding well, we’re comfortably able to balance exploring ideation and innovation while still moving forward with objectively functional mechanisms. If you have any questions I’d love to answer them in this thread but if not, Cya next week :100:


That carbon fiber design is awesome. My team has never used carbon fiber before so I’m super curious on how it works. Also happy to see we’re not the only ones super hyped about the Limelight.

That 971 arm is so sick. Although idk how you get a sprocket as big as theirs, I can’t wait to see the bot!

We hope we have a better experience with this than with string at least :sob: in theory it should hold up well in ftc as this was originally an frc purchase for climbing.

Yeah theres definitely some changes wed need to make to port this design to ftc. Fitting a capstan AND a huge sprocket seems unlikely but given we’re not holding too much weight we didnt deem the capstan neccesary anyways

The design is using a very cool bistable rollable boat hook.

A few teams used it for climbing in 2024, coined the Chameleon Climber by @clydefrog88.

It was also used as an arm in 2023 by 2771 and, most notably, 6377’s offseason bot Shrinky Dink.

I believe the first use of this style of mechanism was as a climber in the FTC 2015/16 game by the MIdKnight Inventors FTC team (@Libby_K fact check? Also if you have any footage I’d be interested)

However, back then it was only available as a light weight, deployable mast designed for military applications, so it cost $10k.
This is well above the single COTS part cost limit in FRC ($600), but for whatever reason, this rule doesn’t exist in FTC.


I love these types of historical analysis thank you for making this.

Funny enough the spool we use in specific was actually bought as a potential climbing candidate FOR climbing on the stage! And this reminds me to do something I should have done from the start, cite where we got the spool from!

Its a superclip climbing tool from metolius.

Are the ones you referenced earlier really that expensive? Or do they fall under the COTS limit nowadays because our spool was around 200.

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Love seeing the work with the April tags! Are you planning on just using them with the default odometry. Our team is currently working on fusing Limelight and Sparkfun Odometry data with a Kalman filter. Is there any chance you would consider sharing the cad of the carbon arm in Open alliance fashion? We are going to do box extension but would love to see what the alternative is. Excited to see your post next week! -16391

Also have you guys looked into having the lime light fixed mounted on the right side angled to the right? In our testing you will almost always have vision while depositing in the buckets.

We had a similar idea in mind with fusing the april tag data from the limelight (or arducam, whichever our tests prove to be better) with the readings from our deadwheels for our odometry localizer. As for the cad Im gonna ask our cadder to share it with me and then I’ll reference it here, only thing is it was made on fusion not onshape so hopefully thats not too much of a bother.

Absolutely, thats actually how we configured our two cameras during ri30h- One to the right and one mounted on a servo in the back. I 100% agree with you on how useful it will be in aiding for sample delivery in the bucket, whether it be just for localization or even straight alignment.

The FTC one really was that expensive!
From what I can find (the google search preview of a PDF that gives a 403 forbidden) , it’s still in the 4 digit range.

Since then, what I assumed happened is, the patent expired.

This then allowed other companies to create their own versions for other applications and sell them at a reasonable price, such as the boat hook used in the chameleon climber (~$120 USD), and the stick clip pole that you linked ($225 USD)

Sorry to bother but could you send that CAD over as we have a telescoping arm but we want to prototype the tube too!

Could you also send the cad arm? We have this as a potential design but we wanna see how it works.

The CAD for the FRC climber version of this design is linked in this thread.

I believe there’s also some information about improvements and how to get it working better

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