We are using four wheel drive and would like to use encoders to move a fixed distance. We would like to only use two encoders for all four wheels. We have encoders on the front two wheels. Is it possible to have the back wheels move along with the front wheels but only have encoders on the front wheels? We use labview.
My team has encountered a problem with the encoders we just added. We have encoders for our drivetrain and have no issues with our autonomous programs using 2 encoders for our four motor drivetrain ( 6wd, 2 motors per side ).
We added two motors ( each have seperate encoder ) to get the batons out of the dispenser but have not been able to program/control these properly. We believe we coded it properly and everything appears correct in labview but when we run a teleop program that has a joystick controlled arm ( hit button, rotate 400 counts ) - that program will cause the NXT to freeze after 15 secs - consistently. The program will run and if I hit the button within 15 seconds- it rotates correctly ( does seem to hunt to find final position though ) - but will always lock up after 15 seconds ( nxt freeze, loose com with Samantha field system ).
But, If we re-write the subvi code such that it controls the arm based upon time - no issues.
I am at a loss - looking for advice /docs to read. I don’t have the code with me to post at this moment. Using time as the control would work - but not as elegant/robust of a solution.