Welcome to Delaware! The first thing you will want to do after the tournament ends, at about 6pm, is to eat. If you PM me with your hotel I can get you some suggestions. Other than that, there isn’t much going on that night, unless you want to drive to Philly which is about an hour away. The main local sport at this time of year is U of DE basketball, but since the tournament is held at their arena they won’t be playing at home that night. If the weather isn’t too bad you could walk down Main Street on Newark, just down the road from the tournament. It is a nice small college town with lots of restaurants and shops.
Again, PM me and I can get you more suggestions and maybe link you up with some local teams.
The website for UD is www.udel.edu, if you want to see what is going on there.
We don’t have video of the matches, but while I’m thinking of it, here is a slideshow that our volunteer coordinator put together. It’s focused on volunteers, but it has a lot of pics of teams as well.
Here is a link to an article in the local newspaper. It talks only about the FLL part, but has a picture of a FTC team. The accompanying video again talks only about FLL but has mainly pictures of FTC bots.