The FIRST Tech Challenge World Championship event is still in need of some volunteers. In particular we are looking for students to work half-days as field resetters. If you are interested in working on the Edison and Franklin fields with us on Thursday and Friday, please register in the Volunteer Information Management System (VIMS) - and choose FTC as your program, then select Field Reset as the position.
Count on 6 or more for field reset from FRC Team 1038. We’ll register in VIMS by tomorrow.
We need people to be able to commit to working both days, but for a half-day session. In other words, we need you for both Thurs and Fri but you can choose if you want the morning or afternoon shifts.
Please sign up in VIMS as soon as possible, indicating in the comments field what times (AM or PM) you would like to work.
We will make selections based on your preferences as much as we are able, on a first-come, first-served basis. Thank you for your support of FTC!
If any adults on your teams also wish to sign up, please have them get into VIMS soon so that we can fill our slots - we have other positions still available!