We’re starting to work more with the Field Control System, and our programmers have been wondering where we are supposed to upload our autonomous code. There’s a spot where it says to upload the teleop code, but we can’t find a section to upload the autonomous code. Does anyone no what we’re doing wrong?
We are using FTC - Field Control System (v.
You just manually select your autonomous code before the start of the match if you’re using RobotC. I believe that Labview is the same way, but I know that Labview uses a program chooser and I’m not quite sure how that works.
I’m sorry the last thing I meant to say was we are all using RobotC. So what your saying is start the autonomous code manually first, is this started via bluetooth or should it be pre-downloaded onto the brick? Then autonomous shouldn’t run until you hit start match then from there it will use the teleop code you put in the the program chooser once you start the teleop mode?
RobotC doesn’t have a program chooser, instead you have to select your teleop file in RobotC itself in the window where you can drive the robot.
You have to download your autonomous routine(s) to the NXT brick first. Then after connecting via the FCS, you select the autnomous routine that you want to run before placing your robot on the field. Assuming the template has been used correctly (which can be downloaded here), you can then tell your robot to run its autonomous routine by pressing the start match button. After the end of autonomous, when you tell your robot to begin teleop, it should run the teleop file that you selected to run earlier in RobotC itself (this file should still be downloaded on the brick though). We were told at our first scrimmage that you now have to run RobotC version 2.0, so make sure you’ve downloaded that.
ROBOTC DOES HAVE A PROGRAM CHOOSER!!! it is extreamly important you have it the program chooser allows the program to go from Automous to Tele-Op. True You must choose the Automous at the beging of the match but without the program chooser it will not switch modes!!!
There was no program chooser last year, and I don’t think that there is one this year. I know that my team competed at a scrimmage without any program chooser for RobotC, and we were just fine, we never had an FCS problem in any match we ran. After attending a presentation about the FCS at the scrimmage where they mentioned a program chooser for labview, we specifically asked if there was one for RobotC. One of the members of the FTC game design committee told us that there was no program chooser for RobotC (RobotC creates a .txt file that the FCS reads based on what you tell RobotC is your teleop program in RobotC itself)
Download and read it! Specifically Appendix A for Robot C users.
The ProgramChooser program can be used for LabView, NXT-G and RobotC to set the Telop mode, but it appears that you don’t HAVE TO use it for Robot C. There is a process in the RobotC programming environment which performs the same operation that the ProgramChooser does: to set your teleop program.
In both cases a simple text file (FTCconfig.txt) is created/loaded onto your NXT brick. This file contains the name of YOUR Telop Program.
When the FCS switches from Auto mode to Teleop Mode it stops whatever program is running on the NXT, and starts up the program that is named in FTCconfig.txt
If this file name doesn’t exist, I’m not 100% sure what it does, but you probably won’t like it :).
What i saw was my RobotC was not Creating a config file and in my example programs there was a program chooser for RobotC so idk how to do it without it.
I notice in your Signature, you list yourself as the Captain/Driver for team GFORCE, but in your Avatar you have the team name spelled G-FORCE.
As it happens, our team name is also G-FORCE (Team 2818), so you may want to standardize on GFORCE so there is no confusion when we go up against each other at Nationals