Anyone know how high each baton dispenser is from the ground? I can’t seem to find it in the rules. Thanks.
Short dispenser is roughly 3.5 inches.
Medium is about 6 inches
and high is roughly 9 inches
Thought I would post before I forgot.
Or how about how well one fits on a low cost perimeter? According to a recent Q&A post they were made for the official expensive field perimeter. Has anyone made one and put it on their perimeter?
We managed to do it last weekend. We can’t change our baton dispensers but it worked fine, it wasn’t perfect but you could manage . One thing you might want to do is just modify it from the drawings just slightly so it fits flush we had to do that with the faceoff when we didn’t have the official field.
Does any know if there is a gap (and how much it is) between the back of the baton dispensor and the inside of the playing field?
I dont think its more than quarter inch
Actually - I think it’s more like 1/2 to 3/4" – we don’t have our field set up at the moment, but when the dispensers are mounted correctly, there’s quite a bit of space.