[FTC]: FTC Champ Tournament - Massachusetts

So… who’s going to Palmer, MA on Saturday? :slight_smile:

Team 478 Mustang Robotics and I will be coming! Its going to be fun, I just hope the snowstorm in Toronto isn’t too severe.

Kathie will you be there?

Yes, I am planning to visit both the MA and RI events this weekend. Should be interesting to see how Quad Quandary plays out at each of them!

In case of a delay in tomorrow’s tournament, an e-mail will be sent at 5:30 a.m. to all team leaders informing them of the delay and new start time. Organizers will also attempt to contact team leaders using the phone numbers in TIMS (team leaders - do you have only work phone numbers listed in TIMS? Do you have alternate phone numbers listed in TIMS so you can be reached outside of normal work hours?).

Congrats to Eric Duda and Guy Nyzio for putting on a great inaugural event. I loved dancing the chicken dance and YMCA with the Angelbots! It was a terrific competition - congratulations to everyone who managed to get through the snow to be there!

The awards in the MA FTC Championship were as follows:

The Motivate Award to 381 (Rosie’s lil Sis, Agawam MA)
The Connect Award to 60 (Team Impulse, West Simsbury CT)
The Amaze Award to 90 (Robowarriors, Agawam MA), runner-up 427 (PATHS/CBHS, Portland ME)
The Innovate Award to 285 (The Elements, Waldo ME), runner-up 154 (Renegade, Burrillvile RI)
The Think Award to 120 (Angelbots, Sharon MA), runner-up 478 (Mustang Robotics, Richmond Hill Ontario Canada)
The Finalist Alliance - 285 (The Elements, Waldo ME), 1 (Team Unlimited, Sharon MA) & 90 (Robowarriors, Agawam MA)
The Winning Alliance - 738 (Green Egg Robotics, Oakham MA), 478 (Mustang Robotics, Richmond Hill Ontario Canada) & 427 (PATHS/CBHS, Portland ME)
The Inspire Award to 1 (Team Unlimited, Sharon MA)

It was a great competition, and Eric Duda’s crew of volunteers were amazing! Thanks to Pathfinder Regional High School for hosting!

Many photos will be posted at http://eaglevex.syraweb.org/Palmer2008.htm, hopefully by the end of the this week.

Congrats to team number 1 for winning the Inspire award, you were a great team during the finals. Hope to see you next year.

And our congratulations to Mustang Robotics (team 478), along with your partners Green Egg Robotics (team 738) & PATHS/CBHS (team 427). You won’t have to wait until next year to see us - we are glad to be joining you in Atlanta!

Thank you very much and thank you team #1 Team unlimited,team #285 The Elements and team #90 Robo Warriors for a great finals match. :yikes: