I’m not a fan of the Motor configurator. It is cumbersome and makes it difficult to move files from one computer to another. An alternative is to directly address the motor and servo vi’s with a 4 digit integer as follows:
1st digit: NXT port. Valid values are 1-4
2nd digit: Controller position in daisy chain. Valid values are 1-4 with a value of 1 meaning the controller closest to the NXT.
3rd digit. Motor port on the controller. Valid values are 1 and 2.
4th digit. Motor direction. Valid values are 0 and 1.
e.g. 2310 means NXT port 2, third controller in the daisy chain, motor port 1 on the controller, direction 0.
Servos are addressed in the same fashion:
1st digit: NXT port. Valid values are 1-4
2nd digit: Controller position in daisy chain. Valid values are 1-4 with a value of 1 meaning the controller closest to the NXT.
3rd digit. Servo port on the controller. Valid values are 1-6.
4th digit. Valid values are 0 and 1. This value is ignored but is still necessary as a place holder.
See the attached file for an example.
You can also right click on one of your configurations and choose “edit items” for more insight.
servo addressing.vi (8.73 KB)
servo addressing.vi (8.73 KB)