[FTC]: [FTC] Kits Shipped???

FTC said August but I can’t even order mine yet. Has any FTC team ordered their kit yet???

They should have been ordered when you registered. I gave them my CC number when I registered my team in June, but they said it would not be charged until they shipped. According to my statements I have not been charged, so I’m guessing they haven’t shipped yet.


Teams can order the robot kit through the FTC Team Information Management System (TIMS).

Robot kits should ship in late August.

It turns out FTC is still working with vendors to work out Canadian shipping. UGH, CRAP

As the kits were supposed to be shipped by late August and it is now… very late August…

Any ideas from anyone as to when we might see these things?
We paid for ours back in May…
and by the way… its not $450 its well over $500 for a kit after you include shipping charges…

Any ideas anyone?

Is there somewhere on the FIRST site or elsewhere that documents what is included in the kits you receive from FIRST? We’re getting into this for the first time and I’m trying to develop a budget, but I’m not sure what we’re getting or what more we’ll need to buy.

Check out this link:

look on the right hand side for “Bill of Materials” under “New FTC platform.”

Also, prices for extra parts (direct from Pitsco) can be found at the URL in the initial message of this thread (Along with opinions about their magnitude).

I just got a call from FIRST. A part for the kit has not arrived yet, so they will not be shipping the kits until next week (the week of the 1st).

We JUST got an email from FIRST indicating that our kit had been shipped TODAY… Ship date 9-5-08…
I checked FedEx and they don’t have an expected delivery date yet associated with the Fedex number they sent…

breaking news… I now have a delivery date of 9-10-08… package weighs 37 lbs…that’s a big baby!!!

I wonder what LabView for FTC is going to look like? I would imagine we will be getting VI’s for the various modules…and the NXT toolkit… perhaps a vision of things to come for FRC…

I would expect LabView for FRC to be in our KOP…

It will be nice to get the FTC kit finally…

Ours just arrive about 2 hours ago, I’ve been sorting through the stuff, and saw a few things I wasn’t happy with, mainly the lack of the Servo Controller and Motor Controller, on a piece of paper they noted, that because of the large requirment of the parts, there is a back-log on these two parts.

We getting pictures processed and ASAP we will get the pictures uploaded and a link will be posted :slight_smile:

So wait, the motor and servo controller is missing?

Missing here too.

after waiting an extra week along with the entire summer…

Dear FTC Team
Thank you for participation in the First Tech Challenge 2009. The two items listed below are back-ordered due to unexpected shipping delays. you can expect delivery of these items within a few days.

Please accept our apology for this delay. If you have any questions…blah blah blah

Items back-ordered

(1) HiTechnic DC Motor controller interface
(1) HiTechnic R/C Servo motor controller interface

Go figure

Here is the breaking news…
The rest of the kit (two missing parts) Shipped 9-11-08
Expected receipt 9-16-08 (Tuesday)
We are in Seattle… so maybe earlier for some…

it will be nice to have the whole kit… AND the game on Saturday…
We will have to see what they mean by being able to use extra aluminum and polycarbonate sheet


We ordered our kit a couple days ago, I hope we get the missing parts with them…

I saw our full kit for the first time last night. There are definitely a ton of parts to it. I have to keep reminding myself that I’m FRC-focused this year because we have tons to do in the offseason and I don’t want to get burned out too quickly :rolleyes: (of course the 74 applicants who applied for FRC and FTC at the school might try to sway me otherwise…)