[FTC]: FTC Scouting Database

We are hoping that teams will provide information about their team for the scouting database, but this is not manditory. We will compile the final draft probably the day or two before atlanta with all the team data that was recieved.

The final draft will be available as a .pdf or similar format for those who don’t have the newest version of Microsoft Access (2008). If you do not have 2008, you may have problems with this version, I attempted to make a backwards compatible format, but Access would not allow me to do so, as I used features unique to the 2008 format.

If teams would be willing to submit some of the following (only submit what you want, you are not required to do anything of this, fill in as much as you feel comfortable doing), it would be much appreciated :).

Team #:
Team Name:
Photo of your robot: (as many as you want to send)
Scoring Focus: (20", 12" or Platform)
DC Motor Uses: (All Drive 4 MOTOR, All Drive 2 MOTOR, Arm and Drive)
Servo uses: (Basket, Puck Grabber, Dispenser Attachment, Other)
Drive Train: (Geared Torque, Geared Speed, Direct Drive)
Capacity: (# of pucks)
Speed: (1 being fast, 5 being slow, 3 being direct drive)
Strategy: (Interference, Scoring, Puck Collection, Other)
Autonomous Routine: (A general summary of your autonomous routine)
Robot Comments: (Any misc. comments about your robot you would like to comment about)

If you wish, you can private message me your scouting information, or post your scouting information here.

Thank you all very much in advance. Can’t wait to get all your response, and can’t wait to see you all in Atlanta!

Best of luck to everyone who is competing in Atlanta :slight_smile:

~Team Unlimited (FTC #1)

Team #: 265
Team Name: Viking Robotics
Photo of your robot: -none handy right now.
Scoring Focus: 20"
DC Motor Uses:2mtr Drive, 2mtr Arm
Servo uses: Puck grabber
Drive Train:Geared Speed
Speed: 1.5ish
Strategy: Scoring/Defense
Autonomous Routine:Ability to score a full rack and preloads from any starting position, as well as defensive programs
Robot Comments:Very robust, can take a hit, very maneuverable. Cannot get on ramp, but can hold it down for another bot, can right itself.

Team #: 2820
Team Name: Longhorn Robotics
Photo of your robot: -none.
Scoring Focus: 20"
DC Motor Uses:4mtr Drive (Supplies Really good traction and speed Gasp at the same time)
Servo uses: Dumping
Drive Train: Direct
Speed: 1 (But, very good traction)
Strategy: Scoring/Defense
Autonomous Routine: Can score a full rack and preloads from any starting position, as well as defensive programs (To be revealed at the championships)
Robot Comments: Does not break. Can take a hit, it’s designed to. Can get up ramp, if someone else holds it down.