[FTC]: HELP motor not working during teleop (labview)

hi i am a begineer programer and my problem is that one of the motor just doesnt work at all in the teleop code. i created the code using the labview controler configuration. i generated the code but i notice when i looked at the code( always double check codes) that that particular motor wastn there but intead the constant was of a lego motor. i changed the constant to the correct motor and deploy it, everything else work but that i have other 3 motor and 2 servos working perfectly. i already tried everything please help!!:confused:

If you want to send the code to us (Robo Hamsters FTC 7042/FRC 4466) we would be more than happy to take a look at it and see if we can help.

Send it to admin @ angelictech . com

Not sure if this is related, but i found this on the NI website:
FCS is running circles during the Teleop time

FTC 7998