[FTC]: Increase Program Testing Speed?

How do people test their programs, quickly?

We currently deploy Labview programs and then run the FCS from 2009.

I’m wondering if folks have developed a labview program that doesn’t require FCS and simply runs the code. A simple code, that you can hit the “deploy & run” button in labview to check code. Which later is embedded in the full code that receives the “enable/disable” commands from the FCS

Thanks for any thoughts on how to speed up programming checks.

If we want to run the code on the field, we use this year’s FCS with the samantha module, and download the code via bluetooth so we can keep the file open.

If we are testing something basic, we’ll tether the robot with a usb cable. You can then run the code while labview is running it as well, this way you can get live feed from the robot’s sensors ect and put data in while the program is running.