While working on programming my team’s robot one day, I noticed that there was no POV output for the “FTC Read Controller.vi” block. I looked into the block a little and found out that the block supports the POV, it’s just that whoever made the block, forgot to set up the POV’s output node. There is a fast and easy fix for this for those who don’t know how:
- Place an “FTC Read Controller.vi” block if you don’t already have one
- Double click it
- Scroll to the left a bit until you see the POV’s output way off to the side
- Right click on the VI’s icon in the top right corner of the window and press “Show Connector”
- Click one of the empty white squares, then click the POV’s output you found earlier (I like to use the bottom right
- Save and close the VI
- All your programs on the specific computer that you open should be updated with the change you just made
You will have to do this once each time on each computer that you have LabVIEW installed on