Does anyone know if Autodesk models the FTC kit (or atleast the parts that we are allowed to use)? If so, where can I get it?

You can get a FTC Mini kit in FIRST Choice

I know that, but I want the CAD models of them, not the actual pieces (well, I do eventually want the real pieces, but right now all I want is the models to play with in Inventor.)

I would like the inventor files too, if they become available.

A number of the parts are available on 3DContentCentral. Check out the tags “FTC” and “tetrix”. The parts can be downloaded in a large number of formats so you should be able to find one appropriate for your CAD package.

I would first go to www.3dcontentcentral.com as just stated for individual parts. You can select inventor format. If you want to see an example of a tetrix assembly then go to http://blogs.solidworks.com/teacher and search for tetrix

You can download all the tetrix model files and the assemblies. I don’t know how well SolidWorks assemblies open in Inventor but it is worth a try.

Good luck. Marie