[FTC]: Labview - Servos

Second year in FTC, last year did all programming in NXT - easy to learn, just not functional enough. Now trying to work in Labview, got to get it figured out to teach my students enough to get going.

I can’t find enough good examples for labview to help. I’m stuck trying to figure out how to program the servos to be controlled with either the joystick or buttons. I can figure out how to go to a specific point if a button is pressed, but if I wanted to hold button down to move one way.

If anybody could send me a screen shot or sample program it would help greatly. Getting short on time. Working in most recent version of Labview.


I created a simple VI that shows you one way to accomplish this. I leave it to your to modify it so it fits into the templates.


You can add this VI to your block diagram by saving the image to disk and dragging the image file into your block diagram

open and close servo.png

open and close servo.png

Thank You very much, that helped a lot.