[FTC]: Last-minute FTC prediction

My prediction is that the new FTC for 2009-2010 will be called Hot Shot(s). The most important piece of evidence is a unindexed sub-forum on forums.usfirst.org about Hot Shot. All I did was look on Google for “first tech challenge hot shot” and it was my first result. http://forums.usfirst.org/forumdisplay.php?f=1288
I arrive at the name when I have my brother identify the Transformers toy in one of Ken Johnson’s hints. “Hot Shot” seems to roll off the tongue quickly, right?
The name is also supported by the use of the infrared (heat-seeing) sensor in the kits.
I can agree it may tie in with a popular sport thanks to the Cedar Park event center hint. (I can’t believe some people actually thought it was the Russian flag…) My bet would be soccer-style.
I gave this stuff thought but I am psychic also.:yikes:

EDIT: I was able to read the coaches manual, and although “Hot Shot” is not mentioned in it, it is part of the link to the PDF.

What is that about Bonus Balls? Are 2x balls returning in a form that won’t simply be their removal from the play surface?

Nice detective work, though the 8 hour edge you gained probably won’t help much. :smiley:

Man, I printed that manual out yesterday & I can’t beleive I didn’t see the URL.

Cool job.

The following caution goes out to all supersavy technophiles here on CD:

Please, Please be cautious in your investigations such as this as to not attempt to access restricted information on the FIRST site or anywhere. The excitement to know is strong but don’t let that excitement take you across the lines of right and wrong and always remember your gracious professionalism.::safety::

The Coach’s Document doesn’t really have much but idk, I hope that someone’ll post here about the game before 5 PM though. :smiley: