[FTC]: Need IR beacon and sensor!

We need an IR beacon and sensor. How can we build one or where can we get one?

Thanks for any help,
Team 6945 :slight_smile:

Here you go.



Hello All,

Two things:

First, this is what we need for the Cascade Effect Game? I had expected that to be in the field kit from Andy Mark but it was not. This is what we need?

Second, how do I know which of the two sensors is the Red Alliance sensor? Do we need to make the assumption that it is the one “closest” to the Red Alliance Ramp?

Chip Berqguist
Lightning Robotics, Eastview High School, Apple Valley, MN
FRC Team 3042 Cobalt Catalysts
FTC Team 8473 Blue Lightning
FTC Team 9182 Short Circuits
FTC Team 9183 Bolts from the Blue

Yes, that’s what you need. No, it’s not in the field kit.

Look at page 19 of the Field Setup Guide. The two sensors are identical. The sensor by the Red Center Goal will rotate around 3 positions facing the corner where the blue rolling goals start.