Who has or is using a chart. Please share link. Haven’t looked through the rulebook or game manuel yet. Lets get something like that circulating.
Okay so the pictographs are telling us the column for auto: left, center, or right for the extra points.
Then the end of the match has the cypher patterns that can be accomplished. Am I reading it right that ANY of them can be accomplished for the bonus points? This means that teams can go into the match planning what pattern they will go for? There’s no indicator to tell them which applies to that particular match? Seems like FIRST would keep that back, then just before the match begins they announce FROG, BIRD, or SNAKE and teams must aim for one of the two applicable patterns. hmmm ok.
Then the randomization chart. So no ball placement can show a team the correct column, and no column can tell a team jewel placement.
Appendix E literally says:
Given the stream-of-consciousness nature of your questions and thoughts that are all answered in the manual, and without the benefit of “it’s the first hours after the game release”, I would highly encourage you to sit back and digest the manual over a couple more reads.
I wasn’t able to locate the file for printing pictograph. Regional director helped me out. Here it is: